I've been studying swing and gypsy jazz for a few years now (since I started violin seriously). I read music okay, and have reached what I'll call early intermediate level. Yet I still play about 90% in first position, only going to third position to reach high notes on the E string. I seem to have a problem reading in third, as I can't seem to associate the notes with the fingers, or as related to the notes in first. I can force myself very slowly to play tunes written just in third, but I can't develope any speed at it, let alone improvise. At my age, I will probably never bother with 2nd. or 4th or beyond, but I think third is rather mandatory in this style of music.
So of you better players out there, what materials helped you when you started learning third?
Violin's swing the best!
Then play arpeggios (Triads) starting on any note in third position and get your ear used to the sound and new fingering. Then the scales.
To me, most gypsy jazz relies on the ear and the facility to play what you hear. Rather than a book, working on playing with the sounds you know in the new position with give you more useable and enjoyable experience.
There are alot of physical details that help with the process, but that's a different subject and best addressed my an instructer. Hope this helps!