.....For those of us journeyman G Jazzers who have spent many $Dollars and tried a variety of Mfg's picks in various thickness, composition and materials; I believe that for many of us, our slowly evolving pick preference is an awareness of the tonal input of the pick in relation to our improving left and right hand abilities against our improving "ear" against each guitar and string Mfg/ gauge that we play!
.....As an example: I've had a tear drop shaped 2.5 mm RED BEAR pick (Teddy G. recommended) for two years that I pull out every few months and try on my three GJ guitars. Suddenly, I try it on my mid 90's Gitane D hole and it is GREAT for this box! Previously I had used a DUNLOP 500 0.96 for eight months in preference to my usual Wegen GJ 2.5 on my other better boxes!
.....Anyway, it is shocking to me how in this example, one pick can greatly improve a guitar's sound quality!