Hey there sorry if this is a duplicate, I've searched all the appropriate forums and haven't found anything on this.
I'm going to college next year, sadly moving away from NY where gypsy jazz is so accessible--to Ohio. I was wondering if anyone knew of any teachers who lived there or of any jams that go on in the Columbus area or anywhere out of it (hour - hour 1/2 drive from there).
Thanks a lot for the help and if I have made an error in not searching properly for this thread already my apologies.
I'm not sure what Columbus has in Gypsy Jazz, but I'd love it if you let me know what you find! Here's as much as I can help...
The Great Mad Hoax does a little bit of Gypsy, though they've kind of drifted away from swing I think. http://www.myspace.com/greatmadhoax Keenan Wade from that group recently moved to Tennessee to work with Grace Adele, so I'm not sure what's going on with the Mad Hoax now...
Another place to start might be Mark Williams - he's a really talented guitar player who does lots of different genres and even if he can't teach you gypsy he might know better who you could talk to. I found his number as 614-274-2680 on a website, don't know if it's up to date, and he plays with the A. Waters Jazz Trio http://www.awatersjazztrio.com/fr_home.cfm
Another resource might be Christian Howes, who is a jazz violinist, splits his time between Columbus and NYC. He's more associated with less structured improvizational jazz but again he might be able to point you in the right direction. http://christianhowes.com/
There's also a Jazz Guitar Festival at Dennison University, about 45 minutes from Columbus. This year (Oct 2010) they'll have John Jorgenson in town from Nashville and maybe you could pick up just one lesson from him while he's here. http://www.myspace.com/johnjorgensonquintet
I hope that helps a little! I came across your post because I book bands for SwingColumbus' weekly swing dance night at The Shrunken Head bar in Columbus and I'd like to add some gypsy swing but can't find any! I'm hoping to magically catch an amazing act on their way through town. Maybe you can put together a group in Columbus and we'll go out busking with you! (http://www.swingcolumbus.com/events/weekly.php)
Keep your hopes up! Columbus is a great town for music with lots of really talented jazz musicians. I'm sure you'll find some great opportunities here!