Hi, Michael!
I´m not sure if this belongs here but, I was thinking it would be really cool to open a new section on this forum devoted to Gypsy Jazz licks, in which everybody could post the licks they know that belong to the style, and the moderator could judge if they´re worthy or not. I know there are quite a few transcribed licks scattered around this forum, i´m sugesting we orga-nize them all in one place (would be really, really sweet).
If this ever get done I think they should include tab, chord symbols, fingering and picking, plus a little explanation of the phrase, and should stick to the genre, in other words no bop licks allowed (hmm...maybe sometimes).
This way we could create a serious database of GJ vocabulary that everyone would benefit from.
Let me know what you and everybody else think.
Good idea
dennis posted some sticky posts in the Technique section i think.
What i´m sugesting, if its not too much trouble, is that we move em to a new section just for licks, and use the Technique one just for discusing technical issues, Dennis could (and should, I think) also be the moderator.
Just reorganize things a bit to make it more practical, and together try to create a compendium of the Gypsy Jazz language, available all in one place. I promise to add a couple if it gets done!
It´s just an idea but could be cool, if its not too much trouble to do it.
Any chance?
This would allow the wanna be gypsy jazzer like me (and many else) to build a vocabulary easily, and if anyone bothers to put a lick here everytime they transcribe it, then this section will be wonderful
I'll play Devil's advocate from the perspective of a web-page designer, just because I'm feeling eeee-villl this morning.
Adding a new section heading makes a long (vertically) forum home page even longer (scrolling being the enemy here).
Also, the frequency of licks contributions means, as a practical matter, the heading will often show a last posting 2-8 weeks old (see "Bass" section, or even more lamentably, the failed clarinet section. Come in to our welcoming community, o swing clarinet partisans!).
But I do share all the writers' enthusiasm for coralling transcription stuff. I have cut and pasted most of the licks kindly posted here into a printable file (you have to use the courrier font, if I remember correctly, for everything to line up correctly). I like having everything conveniently organized too (probably why I became a librarian).
On a semi-related note, I think the "History" section should be renamed--if I want to post about, say, something unusual I saw at a Fapy show I saw last week, somehow that doesn't seem quite like history yet.
Maybe "Players Past and Present" or something that would clue folks in that this is the place to discuss the current scene as well. ...
...Just checked the forum home page again--I guess that stuff is supposed to go under "Welcome." "Welcome" seems so vague, like a place you introduce yourself or ask what the difference between Gypsy Jazz and the Gypsy Kings is .
Onward and Upward, Comrades!
Concerning the long forum homepage, there are pro and cons.
That's why I prefer Djangobooks and Hotclub.co.uk to manoucheries.
In manoucherie there's only two forums (blabla généralisé - chitchat, and annonces concerts - announcements).
And If you want to see if there something new, you have to go through the hundreds of "Romane plays a blue guitar, he's evil", "My wrist is more curved than yours" type of posts.
Whereas here you can spot instantly what are the new posts and in what section and pick your choice (I personnaly never read the "Equipement section", or "International Gigs")
But I agree that some people prefer looking at one place to see it all.
That was just my two cents, defending my point of view. But after all the forum is splendid like it is (no irony there)
1) you guys will be developping your ears
2) i just have to correct them
3) there would still be a point to michael releasing books with similar content... speaking of which i'm workin on something with michael and ritary for next year.... more details to follow as soon as i get everything organized
So start posting!
have fun...