Hello my name is Jonny Kerry i am a gypsy jazz accordionist and have decided to make the first gypsy jazz accordion website as there isnt much on the internet. This is a list of what the site will soon have to offer. thanks
• Licks
•Over 200 printable charts
• Play alongs
•Chat room and Forum
What a great idea. I just posted a comment on the home page. I look forward to see what content you put up there. I'm curious to see your licks section and other stuff! Looks like a great resource in addition to this forum!
Musette Band http://musetteproject.com
I may point out that in the world of the intrerwebz, you have created a dedicated gypsy jazz accordian site before any such dedicated gypsy jazz violin site has been set up anywhere.
Kudos to you sir
Congrats and good luck with the site. I'll swing by and have a look.
I'd love to up the accordion quotient at Django in June (I now average only around 4 participants at Django Camp) and any effort like yours to provide content and community can only help more American accordion players get a feel for the genre. Good on Ya!
Django in June
I'm waiting for more your great accordion tutorials.