Jimmy Rosenberg Feat Angelo and Bireli

rimmrimm Ireland✭✭✭✭ Paul doyle D hole, washburn washington
edited May 2011 in CD, DVD, and Concert Reviews Posts: 605
If you only could have one CD in this genre its this one, and thanks to Redblues I have it again! This takes me back to 2002, just back from London and a bit bored with the old routine to be honest. That all changed when I was given a CD by a friend who was into Django that had no track listing or artist attached , and as soon as I heard it it changed my perspective on music all together. What was that driving rhythm ??? How the hell do you do that on a guitar?
I discovered down the line who the players were, eventually worked out how to pronounce their names and have since even jammed with Angelo..theres not to many genres that have that much accessability, and for that we should all be thankful. Anyhoo, heres a run down of a few of the tracks that changed my life and forced my wife to endure my finnodoling in the kitchen until the early hours. :lol:
So here goes. (The musicians are mixed in the stereo like they were sitting in the studio during the recording: Angelo Debarre always at the left, and Bireli Lagrene always at the right. Heres a run down of a few stand out tracks))
Alec Wilder, calls “Them There Eyes” a “jazz musician’s favorite.... There are treacherous moments in the melody when you’re sure it’s going to slide into cliche. But it always just evades it....It’s the octave drop in the fifteenth measure and the c sharp in the sixteenth that save it.”
All I knew was that it was so hot that my ears were liable to melt and run down my face. And how come no strings were broken during said recording?
Coquette: Flawless. Best version ever recorded? A pompe masterclass and with tone to die for. From the 'Arabian nights' vibe intro to the perfect bubbling along bass playing, its a joy. I'm totally stealing that intro by the way.
'I'm in the mood for love': Famous versions by Sinatra and Doris Day-Rod Stewart should be sent to the tower for his take on it. This beats them all, Jimmy shows incredible maturity on this one.
'It don't mean a thing' Ok, so its the same form as Stochelos version but I prefer this swings harder..
'Donna Lee'. Bireli from 3 minutes 7 second in -A chord solo full of groove and referencing the great players of the past like Tony Romano. 10/10.
'Embraceable you' . Bireli in his element..or is that Jimmy? Either way its gorgeous. And by the way, this is half the fun of this one, guessing which of our heros is taking their turn .
''Valse de Wasso'. That has to be Angelo taking the head on this one. His tone during this period is his best ever...I could be here all night, but surfice to say its 18 tunes of blissful perfection recorded by three of the most gifted players ever to lift the instrument. Certainly 'Djangologists' was an incredible achievement and an esential recording for anyone interested in this genre, but for me, ten years down the line this still beats 'em all. Don't believe me? Just crank up track 1, pour yourself a large glass of whatever you dig and close your eyes. Thats pretty much as close to perfection as you can get in my mind.
If you don't have this CD here it is in all its glory. Lets hope for part two some time in the future. Thanks again Redblues, best present ever. ... ngleo.html
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell


  • Posts: 4,894
    I was just sitting at the coffee shop for a quick break and realized there's some gypsy jazz album in the background. The more I heard the more I was saying "holy sh!t!". I asked and they looked at what was playing and it was this album.
    Great review @rimm !
    I'll put it on in the car during the ride home. And when I get home. And tomorrow morning...
    Every note wants to go somewhere-Kurt Rosenwinkel
  • pickitjohnpickitjohn South Texas Corpus, San Antonio, AustinVirtuoso Patenotte 260
    Posts: 936
    Full Album is posted on Jon Larson's youtube page...

    Enjoy :-c

  • bopsterbopster St. Louis, MOProdigy Wide Sky PL-1, 1940? French mystery guitar, ‘37 L-4
    Posts: 513
    My big revelation when listening to this record is how great a rhythm player Angelo is - solid and driving. Really helps make Jimmy shine on his solos.
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