Just returned from a most excellent weekend at Django in June - Such an inspiration seeing all of the fabulous players jamming. Everything I had heard about Dennis is true - what a terrific teacher and down to earth cool guy. 8) The patience it takes to sit with 20 level-1 guys as they attempt to lead their way through a simple tune with only 5 note arpeggios. Dennis never dropped his smile or helpful demeanor - and chiding cynicism.
I showed up with a Gretsch Hollowbody and battery powered Micro Cube, so I had to expect a little humor.
One question I've realized I forgot to ask is in regards to a few chords shapes in All Of Me. I tend to be a little too all over the neck in certain sections of the song and the overall chordal harmony tends to possibly be an octave too high or low here and there. Specifically, the Cmaj6, Fmaj6, and ending G7.
For the opening Cmaj6 I use this 8th fret shape - however Jeff Radaich was down on the 3rd fret C I saw - possibly another chord?
I'll call it the the B section - the Fmaj6 to Fmin... I'm using this shape for the Fmaj6, then the 1st fret Fmin shape.
For the turnaround back through the song again instead of hanging on the Cmaj6 for eight bars I go to a G7. Being I'm at the 8th fret Cmaj6 I use the 10th fret G7 position. Okay :?:
Curious how you guys are playing this.
Thanks in advance!