Having built my first prototype pickup I thought I'd upload a quick sound clip. Please please please don't comment on the playing - I know it's crap - but I'd be interested to hear your views on the tone of the pickup.
It was mounted on a Harmsworth & WIllis oval hole with Phillipe Bosset strings ( 10s ) and played through a Bugera Vintage 5 tube amp with onboard reverb straight to disk.
This is my first ateempt at buidling a pickup and the next one will be even better.
Thanks for listening and commenting if you choose to do so
always learning
Any pictures of the process and/or finished product?
What kind of amp?
I spent last night drawing the individual components needed for production and that means it will be a slightly different shape but - crucially - it will still be only 7mm thick. I have a Harmsowrth and Willis oval hole which doesn;t have enough string clearance for my Stimer.
Also - despite my best efforts - I still have an issue with G string drop out on the Stimer despite trying all sorts of string combinations, this design goes a long way to addressing that - it's still not perfect and I need to do a little bit of work on improving that. I would say that the current string balance response of the pickup - with Argentines - is like this with 1 being equal volume
Low E =1 A = 1 D=1 G=0.8 b=1.1 E=1
I can improve this and that's part of the design process which - as I'm sure you'll understand I'm keeping close to my chest as I hope to turn this into a commercial idea.
As for the amp, it's one of these
A Bugera V5 by Behringer - more information here http://www.bugera-amps.com/
This is a pretty cheap amp but certainly when used with the Stimer delievrs a useful range of Django type tones from clean through to quite crunchy. It's also a great little blues amp.
I'll post an update when the next prototype is up and running. Thanks for your response
Swang on,
Thanks again, watch this space