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Django's Voice in High Fidelity
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PS I hope this doesn't kill your thread though, cause it's a cool thread.
... sometimes my overly-magnetic personality, which comes through even in these comments, seem to repel and attract equally...
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
1937 "Dutch Polygon Journal" Three-tune medley including the "Swing Guitars" sample from the Den Haag footage as well as "Bricktop" and another tune I can't identify at the moment. :oops: (says: Ahh Yeah. [during third tune])
1939 "Tiger Rag (Radio)" (Django sighs, exlaims: YES! and says yeah.)" -Side note; Very good performance and higher-than-average recording quality as is the case of nearly all Django's radio broadcasts.
1951 "Dream of You" (says: Dream of You.)
1951 "Manoir de mes Rêves" (Django's Castle) (says: Manoir de mes Rêves)
Duke Ellington was the first to Anglosize "Manoir de mes Rêves" to "Django's Castle". He was aware it didn't really translate into that, though.
One of Django's paintings was called Manoir de mes Rêves. I'll show it below.
I'm sure of you have all seen the Den Haag footage. But what I don't think you've seen/heard is the last second or so of it. Nearly all videos seem to be missing this. Even the Intégrale series didn't include the last second. Here is a link to the original footage with that missing second in good quality:
Note how pumping the rhythm is. The three recordings from that session (Dutch Polygon Journal) are very, very swinging and awesome.
Swang on,
Django had no interest in intellectualising about music. He was only interested in playing it.