TV5 Django Reinhardt - Trois Doigts de Génie.
Someone uploaded the whole thing on August 29 on Youtube. Includes a lot of very rare and beautiful photos, comments and footage on Django's life.
Interviews with Babik and musicians that played with Django.
David Reinhardt playing Anouman and reading out loud about Django, performance of Anouman with Martial Solal.
Photos of Django in his caravan, a photo of Django just out of bed and shaving. (!)
Jazz Hot, La Route du Bonheur, Bal Tabarin, Epiphone footage and a very rarely seen portion of the Harry Volpe 8mm footage...
See it here:
On the 1946 Abbey Road Studios photo in Part 4 at 2:14 it looks like Django is using his left pinky, and in the next one he's using his thumb. I never noticed that before.
Anyone know any way to view this film? I found a trailer on youtube, but fell short there.
Is it the one translated into English as "Three Fingered Lightning" or similar? I have that one recorded off the TV somewhere...
"Three fingered lightning" written and directed by Christian Cascio according to the youtube trailer. Released 2010; trailer at You can get it on DVD via Amazon, it seems... More info at