Opinions wanted: Best around $2000 guitar???



  • manoucheguitarsmanoucheguitars New MexicoNew
    Posts: 199
  • constantineconstantine New York✭✭✭✭ Geronimo Mateos
    Posts: 485
    Ok how about some pics already!!!! D-hole sweet.
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,154
    Congrats on the new guitar!
  • StringswingerStringswinger Santa Cruz and San Francisco, CA✭✭✭✭ 1993 Dupont MD-20, Shelley Park Encore
    Posts: 465
    I second that.
    "When the chord changes, you should change" Joe Pass
  • blindjimmyblindjimmy phoenix,az✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 119
    salud,amore,y dinero!
    shut up and play your guitar
  • djangologydjangology Portland, OregonModerator
    Posts: 1,018
    You can probably get a used Hommage for $1800-$2000 or a used shelley park or DuPont MD50 for $2500.

    i would personally follow Marcs advice and get a used DuPont, if you can find one. get yourself a bargain price. ask around until you find one for cheap.
  • HCPhillyHCPhilly Phila. PA✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 147
    Looks like everybody has thown in their 2 cents, so I may as well throw mine. I've played a lot of guitars, I've owned or own,
    a DuPont, Collins, Saga, [my Manouche D hole is on the way!], and I've had a chance to play a few Selmers and Favinos, and also Parks guitars, Dell' Arte's, Hodesons, etc.
    I was so impressed with the Manouche guitars that I will be working with Robert to help get the word out on these guitars.
    I'm going to be really up front here. I don't want to offend any luthiers
    that I know, or any friend of mine that is endorsing a particular brand.
    I have to say that in the Manouche guitars are amazing, probably untouchable in their price range.
    No comparison to Gitanes, in workmanship, details, tuners, sound, volume, complexity of tone, etc. Manouche is much closer to a Dupont than
    a Gitane. BTW, if you can afford a DuPont, make sure that you have a lot to choose from. I've played great Duponts, but I've also played a few that were well, pedestrian. BTW, Manouche doesn't do paid endorsments.
    I heard about them thru reviews from players.
  • ElliotElliot Madison, WisconsinNew
    Posts: 551
    Not everybody. I'd simply like to add that one shouldn't lump different countries under the descriptor "Asian made". China is 20 years behind Korea in manufacturing capabilities. A group of experienced Korean builders from the Takamine shop are as fully capable as the Italian workmen who built the original Selmers, except that these days in Korea they are using equipment that's good to within .0001" If you want to generalize about Asian manufacturing I think you could definitely say that nobody beats them in the small-scale handiwork department.
  • gitpickergitpicker Beijing/San Francisco✭✭✭✭ Gibson, Favino, Eastman
    Posts: 213
    China is 20 years behind Korea in manufacturing capabilities.
    I wouldn't necesarilly say that. I live in China and have been to lots of factories whether for instruments as well as many other things. Many of the factories were moved here from Taiwan, Korea, Japan and the West as well. The technology for production of almost anything is here. Also almost every major corporation in the world has a presence here and brings technology with them. You'd be amazed at what's over here. To say China is 20 years behind in manufacturing capabilities is just not true. Come out to Shanghai I'll take you around :D

    If you want to generalize about Asian manufacturing I think you could definitely say that nobody beats them in the small-scale handiwork department.
    Yes their handi-work is amazing but so is that of the Chinese, Japanese and others. Chinese have been doing amazing handi-work, fine detail inlaying, engraving, sculpture, painting (you get the point) for centuries. I have seen some traditional instruments here both ancient and modern where the detail of the hand work will blow you away. Simply amazing work. I agree with you of the fine work and capabilities of the Korean manufacturers but I disagree with a blanket statement that nobody beats them in small handiwork. I think they make great stuff in Korea but they're not the only place.

    Live life and play music like it's your last day on earth. One day you'll be right- Russel Malone
  • manoucheguitarsmanoucheguitars New MexicoNew
    Posts: 199
    A great guitar is a great guitar no matter where it's made. Personally I agree with Elliot about Korean made guitars generally, HOWEVER I have a special bond with China since we adopted our daughter there about three years ago, and my wife and I just received our referral for a second daughter who is currently in an orphanage in Hunan Province... my wife will be going to pick her up in November. After being in China I can say that it was one of the most pleasant experiences in my life. The people (and we met people from all walks of life) were friendly, warm, courteous and a whole lot nicer than a lot of Americans I meet. China has been around about 5000 years compared to America which is a few hundred a best. Given how much longer China (and Korea and Japan) has been manufacturing, more than any other place on Earth, my guess is they probably know how to make guitars.
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