New Mexico Django Fest



  • manoucheguitarsmanoucheguitars New MexicoNew
    Posts: 199
    Hi all, I'd like to hear from all of you who think you might be attending the Albuquerque festival, Thanks!
  • DuozonaDuozona Phoenix, AZNew
    Posts: 159
    New Mexico Djangofest Info and Schedule

    -Howard Alden
    -Le Chat Lunatique
    -Mango fan Django
    -Hot Club of Phoenix
    -Carute Roma
    -Hot Club of Santa Fe

    with special guests: Felix y los Gatos, Pearl Handled Pistol, Sweet and Lowdown

    Pre-registration for festival package tickets, which include admission to all concerts, is $20. Festival package tickets bought at the door will be $30. Individual concert admission is $10 per concert at the door.

    Howard Alden’s guitar workshop cost is $20, pre-registration is strongly encouraged. SPACE IS LIMITED! GET YOUR TICKETS TO ALL EVENTS NOW!

    To pre-register online visit
    To pre-register in person or by phone contact:
    Encore Music 5314 Menaul Blvd NE
    Albuquerque, NM 87110
    Phone: (505) 888-0722.

    Friday, October 19:
    St. Claire Winery and Bistro Dinner Concert
    6:30-7:20 Le Chat Lunatique
    7:30-8:20 Hot Club of Phoenix
    8:30-9:30 Howard Alden

    Puccini’s Golden West Saloon Concert
    10-10:50 Sweet and Lowdown and Pearl Handled Pistol
    11-11:50 Mango fan Django
    12-1 Felix y Los Gatos

    Saturday, October 20:
    Downtown Growers Market
    9am-11am Hot Club of Santa Fe….free!

    Hotel Blue Workshops
    12-4pm Howard Alden, Jazz Guitar Workshop

    St. Claire Winery and Bistro Dinner Concert
    6:30-7:20 Hot Club of Santa Fe
    7:30-8:20 Mango Fan Django
    8:30-9:30 Howard Alden

    Puccini’s Golden West Saloon Concert
    10-10:50 Carute Roma
    11-11:50 Hot Club of Phoenix
    12-1 Le Chat Lunatique

    Sunday, October 20
    Old Town Plaza
    Farwell Jam Lunch 1-4pm-Free to all, bring an instrument!
  • manoucheguitarsmanoucheguitars New MexicoNew
    Posts: 199
    This is promising to be a really great festival! Many thanks goes out to John Sandlin for all his hard work! I hope all you southwest (and Texas) gypsy jazzers can make it.
  • DuozonaDuozona Phoenix, AZNew
    Posts: 159
    Here is some press about this weekend with an interview with Johnny from Le Chat Lunatique.

    In addition to the great concerts, the Howard Alden workshop on saturday will be terrific! Hope to meet some of you there.

  • HCPhillyHCPhilly Phila. PA✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 147
    Sounds great, I wish you luck. As far as Fapy, as you probably know, he will probably never set foot on another plane or boat. he has been asked many times. It's too bad. He was great at Samois two summers ago. [he drove, of course. He and Wasso were staying at my hotel, by coincidence]. Tchavalo missed the Birdland festival last year. Pat got Kruno to fill in last minute.
    Cheers y'all,
  • manoucheguitarsmanoucheguitars New MexicoNew
    Posts: 199
    Just a thank you to everyone who came to the Djangofest in Albuquerque! It was truly terrific and a very special thanks to Howard Alden for inviting a couple of his friends to play... anyone who was there will know what I'm talking about! That place was packed and you could have heard a pin drop! Great workshop from Howard as well! Thanks Chuck for making making the trek over the rim with your very talanted band... Everyone was just superb. Thanks all and John Sandlin did a steller job putting it together... Great

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