World's most expensive guitar case?

langleydjangolangleydjango Langley, WA USA✭✭✭✭
Holy smokes.

Maybe you've already seen this but these cases should do a hell of a lot more than protect your guitar for the prices they quote...and I mean more than just making you coffee in the morning.

By my calculations the classical case in US $7643.

I can't even trade a Favino for a GUITAR CASE!

Those Caltons are looking cheaper all the time.



  • Michael BauerMichael Bauer Chicago, ILProdigy Selmers, Busatos and more…oh my!
    Posts: 1,002
    You should check out what an original Gibson Flying V case sells for, if one can even be found. They were in the teens last time I checked, and that was a few years ago. Just crazy...
    I've never been a guitar player, but I've played one on stage.
  • fraterfrater Prodigy
    Posts: 763
    ... these cases should do a hell of a lot more than protect your guitar for the prices they quote...and I mean more than just making you coffee in the morning.

    Actually I got laid with one of these some months ago: expensive perhaps, but worth every cent... :)
  • Posts: 597
    I guess I'll just have to wait till the dollar gets a little bit stronger.
  • Bob HoloBob Holo Moderator
    Posts: 1,252
    Yeah... wow - and it still doesn't solve the primary problems with guitar cases, namely:

    1.) Cases should put pressure on the rims, preferably mostly over the tailblock and neckblock instead of across the soundboard and bridge.

    2.) Cases should support the front and back of the headstock to keep their weight and the weight of the tuners and the stress of the strings from putting shear stress on the neck joint if the case gets dropped or thrown... which reminds me guys - when you travel, alwasy detune your guitar. You don't have to take the strings all the way loose, but at least take each string down three or four pitches.

    The only advantage I'm seeing over a Calton is weight. This is a glorified Hiscox, and all things being equal, I'd rather have a Hiscox and a week's vacation for two to Samois than one of these ;)

    By the way - does anyone know what brand of case AJL uses? I hear they're great. Is he using Vittorini? They're fairly cool cases and fit the descriptions I've heard of his cases.
    You get one chance to enjoy this day, but if you're doing it right, that's enough.
  • Charlie AyersCharlie Ayers Salt Lake CityProdigy
    Posts: 287
    Hey Bob:

    That doesn't look like my AJL case. I think he said he has them made. I'll post a pic in a while.

  • KlezmorimKlezmorim South Carolina, USANew
    Posts: 160
    Here are a couple pix of my AJL case. Empty, it weighs 10.2lbs/4.6kg. I have never seen a case so well-fitted as this one. When I place my guitar in this case the tolerances are so close the guitar essentially "eases" its way down.

    As impressive as that is, the close fit did not protect the instrument from the indifference of a UPS deliveryman. As he was handed me the data padd to sign for it, he dropped the boxed guitar about 18 inches straight down. The result was about 8 inches (20cm) of cracked binding on the lower treble bout between the top and side. Since the sender had not marked the parcel as "FRAGILE" I could not file an insurance claim.

    Lessons learned: Pack well for shipping, label well for carelessness, insure well for damages... and don't expect a case to be a perfect shield.
  • Charlie AyersCharlie Ayers Salt Lake CityProdigy
    Posts: 287
    Here's some pics of mine.
  • Bob HoloBob Holo Moderator
    Posts: 1,252
    Wow - that's a cool looking case. I've not seen those anywhere - he must be getting them made for him.
    You get one chance to enjoy this day, but if you're doing it right, that's enough.
  • Charlie AyersCharlie Ayers Salt Lake CityProdigy
    Posts: 287
    You should drop AJ an email, Bob. Yes, they're seemingly bulletproof, and cool, and numbered with the serial number of the guitar.

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