Barault guitar

there's very little information about jean barault guitars. is anybody here tried one of his guitars? what was your impression?


  • DominikDominik ✭✭✭
    Posts: 47
    I have a Jean Barault guitar.
    It's a beautiful guitar.

    I was wondering if somebody can tell me what "lakri" on the Headstock means?

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,154
    I've had a number of Barault's in the shop and will have more soon. They have all been fantastic and he's with out a doubt one of my favorite contemporary builders. Generally, I'd say his guitars are warm with rounded highs and a nice thickness to the mids. Complex with a bit of openness to the sound. By comparison, Dupont's have more high end sparkle and are also a lot drier and crunchier. He's one of the best at capturing the pure Selmer type tone.

  • noodlenotnoodlenot ✭✭✭
    Posts: 388
    i am also intrigued with the barault guitars lack of presence in the internets, besides jean´s myspace. hard to find one for sale... they seem to have a lot of vibe goin on ATM (bireli, tchavolo) and they look gorgeous, which just adds to the mystery. i was wondering if he has an ascending line like dupont (from nomades to the hefty VRs) or if he aims primarily at the higher end market?

  • fraterfrater Prodigy
    Posts: 763
    No budget Barault to my knowledge...
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,154
    He's just one guy so he can't afford to make budget guitars. They generally for around $6K which is fair considering the quality and sound.
  • noodlenotnoodlenot ✭✭✭
    Posts: 388
    thanks! well, i wasn´t expecting budget models, just was curious if he had something cheaper than the 5.000 mark... anyway, doesn´t seem like my second guitar will be a barault. well, i could use my son´s education fund... hmmm...
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,154
    sometimes I get shop worn ones for less...keep an eye on the site!
  • DominikDominik ✭✭✭
    Posts: 47
    I have a Jean Barault from April 2006 #28. It's a fantastic guitar and I might be willing to sell it.
    If somebody is interested you can always make me an offer.
  • tacosandbeertacosandbeer ✭✭
    Posts: 47
    Dominik wrote:
    I was wondering if somebody can tell me what "lakri" on the Headstock means?
    I'm sure if you contacted him, he'd let you know. My experience has been he's really good about replying to emails.
    "Without music, life would be a mistake." --Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Mehran sMehran s ✭✭✭
    Posts: 48
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