I'm just going to post these occasionally so I'm not spamming the board or pushing the same post to the top. Got ahead - this should take me up to Jan. 11 I appreciate suggestions or corrections on fingerings or notes.
1-2 Joscho Stephan HoneySuckle Rose
3-6 Jimmy Rosenberg Swing 48
7-9 Joscho Stephan Minor Swing
10 - Django Reinhardt Minors Swing (I had to do at least one)
11-12 Russell Malone It's All Right With Me
13-16 Tchavolo Schmitt Seul Ce Soir
17-21 Frank Vignola Some Of These Days
22-27 Joscho Stephan Bossa Dorado (I can barely play some of these)
28-31 Bireli Legrane Si Tu Savais
32-36 Bireli Legrane Django's Tiger (The Bireli licks are pretty sweet)
Actually - I just looked into that. I had mispelled his name in some of my tags :oops: so whenever the mispelling of "Fappy" was entered it came up with my videos. I already changed that and checked that all my videos weren't coming up for "fapy lafertin" which I'm pretty sure is the correct way of spelling his name
I'm enjoying learning some of these licks, in particular the bireli/tiger ones. My one criticism is that Django doesn't seem to be very well represented in your choice of artists!
More Django licks please....