Post Django in June: file under How Stupid is This?

klaatuklaatu Nova ScotiaProdigy Rodrigo Shopis D'Artagnan, 1950s Jacques Castelluccia
edited July 2012 in North America Posts: 1,665
So I get home today after a long tiring road trip from Django in June to Nova Scotia, totally exhausted but totally exhilarated from a fabulous week (more on this later), and I'm putting the car back together and decide to put the folding back seat back up. Do I grab the seat like you're supposed to? NOOOO, I grab one of the metal struts and pull on it, and it proceeds to suddenly snap shut onto my left hand (naturally) ring finger, with all the weight of the seat behind it. As I scream in pain, the blood starts gushing all over the place from where the finger split, including under the nail.

Good thing my wife hadn't left yet to go the the store. She rushed me to emergency, where I wound up with four stitches, including two through the nail (I didn't know they could do that) and a tetanus shot, plus I learned that there is a small fracture in the last bone. I have instructions not to play the guitar for ten days or so, and I am SO anxious to start trying out all the great stuff from Django Camp.

AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you say "blithering idiot" in French?

The only good thing to say about this is that it didn't happen before Django in June. The big bandage comes off in a couple of days, the stitches in about ten, than I should be good as new. But I'm really pissed, plus it was very scary. Now before you start in with how Django did it with TWO crippled fingers, allow me to point out that he spent about two years retraining himself. Plus he was so much more talented than I am that it ain't funny.

Defnintely not the way to close out an incredibly wonderful Django in June.

Here's a photo:

"It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
-- Orson Welles


  • What you can do if you want to be naughty is play a la Django :twisted:

    It will give you insights you didnt have before :twisted:
    The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
  • Michael BauerMichael Bauer Chicago, ILProdigy Selmers, Busatos and more…oh my!
    Posts: 1,002
    Benny, WTF??? That's horrible!
    I've never been a guitar player, but I've played one on stage.
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Wow, that sucks! :(:(:(:(

    Good thing we all play a genre that was founded by a guy who overcame a debilitating injury....always puts these things in perspective.

    Get well soon!
  • Bob HoloBob Holo Moderator
    Posts: 1,252
    Hmm, now that you ask, no - I don't know how to say that in French.

    But anyway, wouldn't you rather want to say (scream) something like Putain l'enfer!

    Seriously though, looking at that picture gave me cold sweats.

    Heal quickly
    You get one chance to enjoy this day, but if you're doing it right, that's enough.
  • PassacagliaPassacaglia Madison, WI✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,471
    Ben, Ben! I'm so sorry, buddy! That is so precisely a drag, I can't adequately convey my sorrow! Take care of your precious finger, friend, heal well, and take it easy coming back.

    pas encore, j'erre toujours.
  • Tom LandmanTom Landman Brooklyn, NY✭✭✭✭ 6 strings
    Posts: 93
    Get well soon!
  • swingnationswingnation ✭✭
    Posts: 62
    Wow! It's crazy, I was just talking about you at dinner tonight- how I met all these great people and this cool guy from Nova Scotia who showed me some nice voicings for La Foule- and I get back and read this. MIchael is right though- look at Rock. I took a yoga class with him on Friday and that dude was in traction for 6 months. Regardless, it sucks, but I'm sending positive thoughts your way and looking forward to our next jam.

  • Archtop EddyArchtop Eddy Manitou Springs, ColoradoModerator
    Posts: 589
    Wow, sorry to hear about that Ben. It gave me the willies just reading about it. I wish you a solid and quick recovery man. AE
  • klaatuklaatu Nova ScotiaProdigy Rodrigo Shopis D'Artagnan, 1950s Jacques Castelluccia
    Posts: 1,665
    Hey everybody, thanks for all the good wishes. It was a lousy way to end a great week, but it will heal in time. The worst thing was the fear of more serious damage - all that blood will do that to you.

    Our next gigs are a few weeks away, but we have rehearsals planned starting this week. Once the big bandage is off, I'll try some two fingered solos. I've got the three note chords down, but usually use that finger, so a bit of retraining will be necessary.

    Eddy, this is the one time I could wish to be left handed!

    "It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
    -- Orson Welles
  • GuillaumeGuillaume New York, NYNew
    Posts: 49
    Hi Ben, sorry to hear that. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    As to How do you say "blithering idiot" in French? I believe "quel triple con!" would be appropriate.

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