Download helper is an add on for Mozilla Firefox and that allows you to convert to .wmv and then I play them back on windows media player which has a slow down feature. Let me know if you have any questions.
Actually, now that I think about it I think my son told me that Youtube has a slow down feature built right in now. I'll try to remember to ask him about it and post the info.
I was doing the same just the other day and found about
So you can copy any youtube url and add "slow" to the address after youtube, paste that into browser and it'll take to this website that automatically does it. Or go to and they have a search window where you can paste the regular youtube address of the video. It helped me, I was able to pick out Stochelo's diminished run that he does on Bossa D. Intro that I thought I picked OK by ear but it never sounded quite right and of course I had it wrong.
No sound during the video though, I mean you can unmute it (it's muted by default) but it doesn't do a good job with it. But it did slow down the video and quality of it was good.
Check out soundslice, seems like exactly what you need - it will slow down the sound and the video nicely, and all web-based no downloads required. And it was made by a forum member on here (adrian holovaty)! Not sure if it's open to the public yet (adrian?) but it surely will be soon..
Yes, Soundslice is *exactly* for this purpose. :-) Slowing down YouTube videos, looping, transcribing. It's going to be pretty awesome when it's ready.
At the moment it's just a few demo videos (, but I'll be opening it up to more stuff in a very short while -- I have a wee bit more work to do.
If you can get the video stored on your iphone or ipad device, an app called Anytube can slow down or speed up the video with good results. It's a matter of having the means to load the video onto the unit.
So you can copy any youtube url and add "slow" to the address after youtube, paste that into browser and it'll take to this website that automatically does it. Or go to and they have a search window where you can paste the regular youtube address of the video. It helped me, I was able to pick out Stochelo's diminished run that he does on Bossa D. Intro that I thought I picked OK by ear but it never sounded quite right and of course I had it wrong.
No sound during the video though, I mean you can unmute it (it's muted by default) but it doesn't do a good job with it. But it did slow down the video and quality of it was good.
At the moment it's just a few demo videos (, but I'll be opening it up to more stuff in a very short while -- I have a wee bit more work to do.
Just checked out your website, great idea. looking forward to it!
You can download any flv file in Safari without a third party tool. There's also information as to how to do it with third party tools in other browsers: ... refox.html
I then open this video in Transcribe. Works like a charm and I do it all the time.
I'll probably give soundslice a whirl, as I liked the audio only version.