I just wanted to say thank you again, everyone. Lot of options, lot of great thoughts and helpful info. Seems as is usual with all things, there are equally legitimate solutions, no quick answer. I see the wisdom in an all-in-one system that sets up easily and quickly (and if yours truly is depended on for engineering, we're screwed, though I am making every effort to learn about this).
I also see the wisdom in thinking of one "seed" component that is better than entry level, that provides plenty of headroom as the band earns capital to re-invest (I'm determined that capital needs are paid for by working gigs). My mind goes to a quality mixer, and just enough of other components so that one can live with the quality, until one can buy better.
This is definitely early, but I'm finding things - the jam I lead, and the potential for a more formally structured performing group - have grown organically in a very pleasing way, so the thoughts in this thread are once again very much appreciated.
Having worked in a high end audio store for a few years, I can tell you the most impotant thing is at the front end of the chain. Good mics or if you have that good pre-mix setup. GIGO is an absolute law.
Power is cheap and as long as it aint clipping is ok. Good cables.....particularly on an unamplified signal.....if one is handy with soldering iron one can save a bunch by buying components from electronis wholesaler.
If one is using powered speakers high quality cables will make an audible difference in the run between pre-mix and powered units.
The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
Jay, Thanks for the thought, I get it, I think - "pre-mix setup" means - you'll have to forgive this technophobe! - presume it just means all the inputs from instruments, however they get to the mixer? E.g., mics/pickups/mini mics/contact mics/amps/DI from various sources, etc.?
And on the quality of cable - thanks. I've no idea what assemblage of cables I have, but I do see tremendous differences in price, and have heard how a crappy cable can ruin an otherwise decent input (My MXL 603 - very different when I switched out cables). I soldered as a kid, don't have the gumption now, though.
I also see the wisdom in thinking of one "seed" component that is better than entry level, that provides plenty of headroom as the band earns capital to re-invest (I'm determined that capital needs are paid for by working gigs). My mind goes to a quality mixer, and just enough of other components so that one can live with the quality, until one can buy better.
This is definitely early, but I'm finding things - the jam I lead, and the potential for a more formally structured performing group - have grown organically in a very pleasing way, so the thoughts in this thread are once again very much appreciated.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Power is cheap and as long as it aint clipping is ok. Good cables.....particularly on an unamplified signal.....if one is handy with soldering iron one can save a bunch by buying components from electronis wholesaler.
If one is using powered speakers high quality cables will make an audible difference in the run between pre-mix and powered units.
And on the quality of cable - thanks. I've no idea what assemblage of cables I have, but I do see tremendous differences in price, and have heard how a crappy cable can ruin an otherwise decent input (My MXL 603 - very different when I switched out cables). I soldered as a kid, don't have the gumption now, though.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.