Hi Gang,
New member here and bassist-turned-pomper-in-training. Half our q'tet moved to Europe, so I took over rhythm duty so we can do two-guitar gigs rather than lead guitar and bass!
Anybody using one of these mics?
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index ... Id=2102927
I picked one up for my bass because of a long thread on the talkbass forum I frequent, and it sounds surprisingly good for a $33 mic! I've tried it a bit on the loaner Gitane I'm using with good results, and might try it at a coffeehouse gig tomorrow. I don't have any guitar gear, so I'm running it through a little class D Euphonic Audio head into various bass cabs I have around.
Good times.
Here's the bass forum thread if you feel like wading through it:
http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f4/micing ... mp-882780/
Interested in your toughts on them as a guitar mic
Welcome aboard. Great group of folks here.
I mounted it by taping (with painters' masking tape) a small piece of foam with a slit cut into it and the mic stuffed in to the top, a few inches bellow the fretboard. I'm probably experiment more with placement, and it was suggested I try placing it on the lower bout of the guitar, below the string after-lengths.
For $30, I seem to have found a satisfactory solution that will at least get me through the duo restaurant gigs I'll be mostly doing! For gigs where we need a larger band, I usually switch to bass. I'll probably pick up or make a smaller cab (8", 2x5?) in the future, or spring for a little combo amp.
Also, I came up with a great home-made way to make a lavalier mic clip holder that works for Selmer style guitars. I'd be more than happy to share pictures and a brief tutorial with you guys if you want the information.
As I read this, I keep thinking that the set-up you describe would benefit from a pre-amp to drive the signal. Perhaps you've already tried that.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm beyond an idiot when it comes to electronics, so I really don't know what I'm doing to be honest. I bought the mic for recording purposes on the computer, which it works great for, but I'd also like to be able to play it through an amp if possible. There is a little power switch on the mic which turns the mic "ON", so I assumed that functioned as a pre-amp, but I really don't have a clue. Are you thinking if I ran it through a pre-amp into an actual amp that it might do the trick? I don't own a pre-amp per se, so I might need to try this out at a guitar store beforehand to see if it works.
Here is a link to discussion on microphone vs. line level signals:
https://soma.sbcc.edu/users/davega/film ... 0LEVEL.pdf