Here's a long post/ramble/request of opinion. I'm sure there are other people here who have had to consider the same. Here goes:
I love archtops. I played them(and I still play them) for a few years before I got into playing Djangos music on Favino and Selmer copies.
As I was progressing in both styles, it became evident to me that I had to standardize my approach to picking(more on this later). One style had to accomodate to the other. Naturally, I chose to accomodate to gypsy jazz since using gypsy technique is important to get the right sound.
I have not looked back.
In fact, my playing has improved in many areas on archtop guitars when I play bebop because gypsy picking prevents the pick from getting "caught in the strings" so to speak. There is something about the right hand position that frees up the wrist a lot. Previously I would "miss" strings in the middle of a line, and be generally clumsy particularly when sweep picking. This leads me to my next point: sweep picking.
Of course, certain lines become more difficult when you adapt a picking style that dictates that each string change is initiated with a downstroke. Reverse rakes across the fretboard breaks that rule, but you still see Bireli and Wawau do it. So of course, exceptions can be made!
But the real problem I have encountered is chords. Because using a 1.8mm Wegen BigCity pick on .12 or .13 strings(depending on the archtop I play) does give great volume and force, and it is easier to plow through the strings with a pick that thick and beyond, rather than what most archtop players use.
The real problem here is the change in volume going from single lines to chords, as well as the clunky, clicking sound produced by the thick pick striking chords on thick strings.
I don't play pompe on archtops, because I play them in a bebop setting where I comp more pianistically. More rhythmic chord stabs and chord fragments. But still, the sound is not smooth when playing chords, but clunky and rough.
So I wanted to ask if anybody else are having these issues related to thick picks, medium to heavy strings and archtops. The reason why I chose to standardize my approach is that it would usually take me a good hour before I could transition between playing a Selmer copy and an archtop, because I used a different hand position and economy picking for archtops. I had to find a solution to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Any thoughts or similar experiences?
In gypsy jazz, chord tremolo is used less frequently but still I always find it challenging to do with a big fat Wegen pick... the pick just gets pulled right out of my grasp, no matter how loosely or tightly I try to hang on to it.
If anybody can suggest a solution to this problem I'd love to hear it...
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
"It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
-- Orson Welles
I feel bad about this because I have an old Epiphone Triumph that I love and I struggle amplifying my gypsy ax at our noisy restaurant gigs (and pretty much everywhere else).
I think chunking sounds like hell on an archtop and it isn't rewarding regardless of the pick I use. That makes it a double deal breaker, really.
I'd suggest using a jazz pick for the archtop if you're not ready to abandon it. The Dunlop Primetone is quieter than a Wegen. I like Klaatu's Dugain recommendation. Get two and send me one so I can see what they're like. =P
I use a Dunlop Jazztone 207 for big band. Very quiet, and it really allows you to dig in. I wasn't aware that they made a gypsy pick.
"It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
-- Orson Welles
I have a gig with the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra playing in the rhythm section for West Side Story. I have a Gibson archtop on loan for that and I have no problems playing chords with the wegen big city pick. I actually did a gig with a pop singer (Idols winner) last winter playing on a Les Paul with heavy distortion and the Wegen pick never bothered me.
Maybe Stochelo uses light strings(lower than .12s ) for archtops? I've also seen videos of Mozes playing an Eimers hybrid archtop. Somewhat of a crossover guitar built on Selmer dimensions.
Here's a video I found of Stochelo playing a semi-hollow guitar:
And here is Mozes on that hybrid archtop guitar:
Of course, the Rosenberg brothers are not average guitar players. So I have to crack the code somehow, find out what makes the chords sound so rough when I play. Since other people are having the same difficulty, I suspect it could have to do with string gauge.
Agreed, Ben. My only issue is the contour forces me anyway, to use a lot more of the pick than I'd prefer (though I know that's, like everything, just feeling and adjusting). I play almost no lead, but of the picking I've done with the pick, a very warm sound indeed.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.