#1 is 3/32" or 2.38 mm #2 is 1/16" or 1.6 mm . These measurements are from the top, the thickest part. They then taper down on the striking end with a speed bevel. Both picks are very rigid, there is absolutely no flex.
I have a variety of tortoise picks that I made myself and have used for nearly 20 years. The trick to making a tortoiseshell pick last is: when you finish using it, take a very fine piece of emery cloth (1000 grit or so) and burnish the bevel that you use until it shines again, then stop. A rough bevel on the pick wears away many times faster than a polished one, and you'll be amazed at how little work is required to keep the bevel burnished and glossy. Plus the pick actually works better with a polished edge. I also soak my picks in olive oil for a few weeks every couple of years - this is a trick passed down from Sarrane Ferret (via Francis Moerman) to make the pick last longer and glide more easily across the strings. This does seem to work as advertised...
thanks pickitjohn
Great job on the pictures, I'm prefer big size picks.
Any idea of the thickness?
I'm in route back to Corpus fro San Antonio.
Let me know how to pay.
Just sent a P M with my info...