I'm putting together a list of gypsy jazz festivals in the US, wondering what I might have missed:
Django in June (3rd week of June)
Djangofest Mill Valley (early June)
Djangofest NW (3rd week of September)
Djangofest Colorado (mid June)
Stephane Wrembel's Django A-GO-GO in NYC (January)
Django Jamboree, Louisville, KY (early November)
Midwest Gypsy Swing Fest (Mid Sept, next weekend!)
Chicago Gypsy Jazz Festival (early October)
Djangofest Las Vegas (mid June)
Django Festival at Birdland, NYC (early November).
There are festivals and then there are FESTIVALS! Some of the above are gypsy jazz concerts without a lot of opportunity to mix with players and performers. Some are player's festivals where players and performers mix, jam, spend a couple days together like Django in June or Djangofest NW. I have some idea which are which, but wonder which of the above would you consider "player's" festivals.
Victoria Django Fest ( I know its Canada but we're closer to Seattle than all but DFNW) is an extended concert really. There are a few after hours jams and it may change next year but? Not sure when it will be but the first two were mid February.
I wasn't able to attend the concerts but I made a point to attend the guitar workshops. Kim Platko of String Theory Manouche said he didn't mind that I was the only student in the workshop and I got a private lesson - at $20 it was a steal.
I hope to see some of you there next year!
I just revived this old thread to spread the word Django Fest in Ft. Worth Texas is THIS WEEKEND.
As there was last year, there will be guitar lessons. I'm signed up and to be perfectly honest, I hope I'm the only one because it will give me some quality time with some quality players to learn. But I won't be that selfish and I'll try and spread the word a bit.