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Don't worry, I don't think anybody's angry, Chris?
The fact is people who play any genre of music have an advantage when they are part of a musical culture that's centred on that music.
To me GJ has many of the same cultural features as bluegrass--- no, you don't have to be a white American southerner to play bluegrass "authentically" or well, but let's face it, the kid who grew up in a family where everyone plays bluegrass and started playing at an early age is going to have a natural advantage over, say, the European guy who got serious about bluegrass at age 22, and practices incessantly, but has trouble finding other knowledgeable players to jam with.
So, yes, there are a lot of great "authentic" GJ players who are actually gypsies, but yes, there are also some "outsiders" like Dennis Chang, Rino van Hooijdonk, etc. etc. who have immersed themselves into the culture and the musical style to the point where they have become outstanding exemplars of the tradition, as much as or even more than a lot of the guys who were immersed in the style from birth.
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
Gypsy Gadge, Martian, whatever, any music you grow up with is going to be the language that one has the easiest most natural fluency. Doesn't mean that one can't learn it well though. I know some Bluegrass players here who are just as articulate as the guys in Nashville....admittedly they started in their early teems. Immersing yourself in the music and culture 24/7 listening actively, practising well, playing with peers a lot will go a long way.
Keep in mind though that one of the acknowledged greatest writers in the English language grew up speaking Polish.
I know nothing about soukous and couldn't tell the difference between an "authentic" player and a "non-authentic" player, but what he says is so very interesting, and i would agree with him. It's what Chris Martin is talking about.
Growing up within a certain musical culture is a huge advantage but it's not everything of course. Jay mentions bluegrass players in western canada. However, I would say that bluegrass is a more popular style of music than say GJ or soukous, and the culture was therefore easily spread across North America.
It's certainly possible to learn a new musical culture "authentically" (whatever that means) without traveling to the source, if one trains his/her ears properly and does enough research... it's about being able to hear the nuances beyond figuring out the notes.. Being able to hear the attack, being able to hear the timing, being able to hear the duration of notes, ornaments, etc...
I can think of one fellow in Australia , Jon Delaney who has totally nailed Tchavolo Schmitt's style. If I'm not mistaken, when he was learning this stuff, he was learning it from Australia with practically no contact Gypsy musicians.. That's what I call incredible ears and dedication
Thank you for this articulate, well-researched article which was informative and a pleasure to read. A question: is a "Gypsy Swing" guitarist the same as a "Gypsy Jazz" guitarist? Is it just a matter of semantics?