Work as sidemen?

CuimeanCuimean Los AngelesProdigy
edited July 2007 in History Posts: 271
Has anyone compiled a discography of recordings that feature the musicians we discuss here working as accompanists for singers? In particular, I was wondering about the following:

Henri Crolla backing Yves Montand
Jean Corti backing Jacques Brel
Oscar Aleman backing Josephine Baker

Word on any others is certainly welcome.


  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    Challain Ferret backing Ludmila Lopato
    Challain Ferret backing Yoska Nemeth (not a singer - I know)
    Matelot Ferret backing Robert Ripa
    Matelot Ferret backing Jean Casi
    Serge Camps backing Ivan Rebroff
  • CuimeanCuimean Los AngelesProdigy
    Posts: 271
    Would it be the height of naïveté to ask if any of these recordings are commercially available?
  • brandoneonbrandoneon Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France✭✭✭
    Posts: 171
    Maybe this can get you started! :-)

    Henri Crolla can be heard on the 2-CD "Meilleur de Montand" - there are some great versions of After You've Gone and Mon Pote le Gitan. It also includes some Prevert poems and French chanson classics. There are also 2 Integrale Yves Montand collections (like the Integrale Django collections) covering 1945-1953 that feature Crolla, but I haven't heard these recordings. As for other accomaniments, Crolla also recorded with Mouloudji (sadly not as well known in the US as Yves Montand).
    By the way, ... crolla.php has 2 video clips of Yves Montand and Henri Crolla playing together in a movie.

    Corti accompanied Brel from 1960-66. He plays on the live Olympia albums from '61 and '64. By the time Brel did his farewell at the Olympia in '66, Corti had already left (replaced in concert by Andre Dauchy). Afterwards, any studio albums that you hear recorded by Brel feature Marcel Azzola on accordion.
  • scotscot Virtuoso
    Posts: 658
    It appears that nearly all of the recordings that Henri Crolla did with Montand were on Odeon. A handful were on Pathe and Philips. There were some rereleases on CBS. Crolla was with Montand from 1948 through 1958, and I think Didi Duprat took over as Montad's guitarist at that time. Nearly all of the Crolla/Montand recordings were with Bob Castella's orchestra. There are several vignettes of Crolla in the film bio of Montand, including a classic of Crolla and Montand eating dinner with Nikita Krushchev 1956.

    Another curiosity about Henri Crolla's career is that he made some recordings with a pianist called Lalos Bing. No one seems to be sure if this is Martial Solal or Lalo Schifrin who went on to fame as a Hollywood composer. It was thought for a long time that "Bing" was Schifrin who was a skilled jazz pianist and was in paris at the time these sides were recorded, but today most believe that "Bing" was Solal. I'd agree.

    As for Matelot with Robert Ripa, I have only managed to locate around 10 sides, though I imagine there are many more. He made a lot of recordings with Corsican singers like Ripa and Antoine Ciosi. He also made some records with Mouloudji, including a great version of "Mon Pote le Gitane". Barangero, who is Jean Casi and why do you think Matelot made recordings with him?

    Oscar Aleman recorded 20 sides with Josephine Baker. There were three sessions - 30 June 1931, 10 July 1931 and 17 December 1931. The orchestra was "Le Melodic Jazz du Casino de Paris" directed by Edmond Mahieux. Only 14 of these sides were released, and in fact only ten titles were recorded. Most had two takes, one - "You're Driving Me Crazy" - had three, and one had a single take.

  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    scot wrote:
    Barangero, who is Jean Casi and why do you think Matelot made recordings with him? Scot

    Hi Scot,
    I have to apologize :oops: ! I obviously mixed up the two corsican singers with short names beginning with a "C".

    Of course Matelot was backing Ciosi (for example "Antoine Ciosi en direct de 'l'Olympia'" and not Casi.

    Jean Casi was another corsican singer. He was backed by Bousquet and by Antoine Bonelli.

    Sorry for the confusion!

    Would you please tell us the recordings Matelot did with Robert Ripa?

  • scotscot Virtuoso
    Posts: 658
    The titles by Robert Ripa and Matelot I know about are
    Le Bidon
    Le P'tit Bistrot de Papa
    Chacun sa Chance
    Un Coup de Cafard
    Lorsque Django Jouait
    Le Pain de Joie
    Le Jour
    Dede Debrouille-Toi
    La Fleur m'a Dit

    I think these tunes are all from 1952 or thereabouts and you can hear Matelot's distinct style clearly on them.

    "Lorsque Django Jouait" was written by Roger Chaput and was recorded again many years later (1969) by Gus Viseur.

    Some other singers that Matelot recorded with are Francisco Grandey, Germaine Sablon, and Edith Piaf. He also played from time to time in Charles Trenet's orchestra but I don't know if he ever recorded with Trenet.

  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    Thank you very, very much for this informations, Scot!

  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    Barengero wrote:
    Challain Ferret backing Ludmila Lopato

    For this you can find a fine example here: ... rticle=488

  • AndoAndo South Bend, INModerator Gallato RS-39 Modèle Noir
    Posts: 277
    Let's also add:

    - Fapy backing Bamboula Ferret on at least two recordings

    I don't have them here, so the names are probably botched: "Me Am Kolle Marsch" and "Oje Djevia." Don't know the dates.
  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    o.k. so let´s also add

    Fapy backing Maywood on "Hot Club Quartet"

    Koen de Cauter backing Dani Klein (Vaya con Dios) on "Night Owls" (esp. "Nah Neh Nah")


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