Guys I know you see this all the time but my Dell Arte is buzzing really bad on the high e and b strings mostly between the 10th and 14th frets. My action is 4mm!! I don't understand the combination of relatively high action and fret buzz. I am pretty on top of my room humidity and it has been level at 44%. Normally I would just take this into a luthier, we have some great ones in Denver, but I have a gig in Crestone this Saturday. Is this a fretboard relief issue that can fixed with truss rod adjustments. If so what way do I turn it? PLease help!
I have a back-up guitar for my gig, but I was hoping to take this one.
Thanks a lot guys!
If you action is truly 4mm either something is very wrong with your guitar or the buzzing is not a fret buzz
Another thing to check: sight down the neck and make sure there is not a "hump" where the neck joins the body, a lot of selmer copies get this dreaded hump at around the 14th fret.
FWIW I've noticed some fret buzzing since the holiday weekend that seemed to coincide with a big drop in the relative humidity that occurred here in CO as the weather cleared up. I'm down to 10-12% humidity outside here during the day right now where we had been up in the 30-40% range previously. Just a guess but I think that's the problem you're experiencing.