I know everyone on here probably owns one. But if your on the fence or something cause it's a 15 dollar pick. So smooth, expertly made, bright and makes the lead parts sing. Just another take on an already well regarded gypsy item.
I use the 4mm picks from Moustache guitars. I met Thijs (head honcho of Moustache Guitars) at a bluegrass festival where he did a little bit of work on my Dad's mandolin free of charge. He makes great picks. I would try out others, but I really like the ones he makes and I think he's a good guy and want to support his business. If you want to buy one I'd suggest contacting him direct as they seem to be massively overpriced on here... must be to do with importing them
@guitarshark Are you doing your research? This site is full of information/posts from some very experienced and knowledgeable players. In fact, there is a thread on picks that is one of the most viewed here.
Here is a thread that has 17 pages and thousands of views.
Thick enough yet ?
Here is a thread that has 17 pages and thousands of views.
Started simple but got a lot of good things to read.
This forum is a lot like home recording and sax on the web in the examination and erudition on bits of gear