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I have no problem with the need to make money, That is simply the reality of life. It is the fact that these movies are usually really bad rather than the factual inaccuracies that I find most disappointing. Let's hope this is an exception.
......and I've rabbitted on long enough about having Django recordings on the soundtrack so this is my last post on the subject. Here are some of the movies/programs/documentaries etc where it was thought his rubbishy, dated, aurally substandard old recordings were actually quite adequate -
This is, if I'm getting it right, supposed to be the track of Django playing live in the scene.
That I think would be tricky to pull off convincingly without it sounding out of place.
I agree indeed with Teddy: Django's music or nothing! An imitation of Django's music recorded by Stochelo and monkeyed by Lartillieux with "two fingers onley" is a kind of second level fakery that very hardly will lead to the true spirit of Django.