I am just reaching out and wondering if there are any other gypsy jazzer software engineers out there (US-only)? I am asking because it might be fun to create a group of some sort to perhaps do a coordinated project together? We could create something like a chord-chart-generator micro-service, or set-list-generator, custom personalized fake-book generator, etc. or whatever... either open-source or private.
If you exist out there, maybe we could put together a group communication somewhere/somehow? I don't always have a lot of time but sometimes I have periods where I can put a bunch of time into something.
If not, Keep jammin,
Me! https://github.com/vicwomg
As for others, I'd like to call out Adrian Holovaty who invented the very popular Django python web framework (guess who it's named after), and also Soundslice, which is basically the best damn transcription tool that exists. He's also an one of the best GJ guitarists, something that I feel doesn't get recognized very often.
Also, this: https://gypsy-jazz-play-alongs.vercel.app/ was clearly the work of a gypsy jazz-loving engineer. I think he's a forum member too, but I forget who, so I'll let him introduce himself.
May as well drop my open source work in here too -> https://github.com/wimglenn
I'm currently busy hacking on https://adventofcode.com/2020
A note about Adrian, it's funny because people in the GJ world don't seem to realize what a big deal he really is in the tech world (and maybe he prefers it that way, he's a humble guy). But Adrian's a minor celebrity in tech. If you've ever opened up Instagram, your phone makes a request to a server and executes some lines of code that Adrian Holovaty wrote over 10 years ago..
I’m a programmer, too!
=> https://github.com/rudolfochrist
Get a room guys 😘
I followed y'all on Github. Nice to know which of you guys code. :-)