Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum, seems wonderful! This morning I was searching for a online jam platforms and I've found this software https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://jamtaba-music-web-site.appspot.com/&ved=2ahUKEwjp8YHH8J7oAhW0WRUIHbeTDpsQFjACegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw2W57DtYpYFG_AOG2KBUDge
I've read that it works differently from others because you can find many rooms where people jams synchronized! There's someone who want to try this?
The one I tried some years ago (I think it was a jamkazam) with @Scoredog had latency issues, small but enough for it to make it a no-go. He is on West coast and I was in Chicago at the time. Don't know how this could work across continents. I'd still try but my situation is such that I can't make plans at the moment.
Really hope you and your countrymen turn a corner for the better very soon...
I've tried Jamtaba just yesterday and it was cool! No latency, so funny and good playing (sometimes).
That's good! Where are the other jammers?
Jamtaba works on my Win10 Desktop with ASIO drivers, and on a Linux computer with ALSA.
I couldn't get Jamtaba working on a Microsoft Surface Pro 6. The sound just dies when I install ASIO drivers :(
having trouble getting this working on my Mac standalone creating a private server...can't find a tutorial.does one need to DL Ninjam or do you hook up to a public server?
So i went into a room, it needs like 16 bars of pre looping and locked to a metronome...not sure this is usable for GJazzers.
Of course! You can record any standard with 16,32,64 measure ecc. So usually I enter in a common room (not private) and just start to record loop, it funny because there's always someone that start to jam with you!
I'm there every day (it's hard time in Italy now)
Have you got an external audio interface?
I'm using the stand alone version on Windows10, 64bit. If I set up a private network and try to connect to it from another machine I get an error message 'Connection Refused'. Any ideas? Thanks