This just in from the Continent...
My friend and yours, Mr. Ted Gottsegen, has opened Samois playing with Wawau Adler.
Go, man, go!!
He won't have to fly home now, he can just float home on the air currents.
I'm sure he'll have a full report when he returns stateside.
T.I.C. (spread the word).
I guess I'll have to pay him more now that he's a Samois vet, .... :shock:
sleep is for alternate pickers! drink some coffee and start posting some vids...:D
Ted just called with some juicy Samois gossip. Apparently Bireli was being a little difficult this year.
Anyway, to answer some quick questions:
1. No Norig to be seen (No Jimmy Rosenberg, either =( )
2. Ted was hand-picked by Wawau as a rhythm player to fill in some time between sets (Bireli was late) and he was great. I could hardly believe it when he walked onto stage, I honestly don't think I cheered harder for any other performer that weekend.
3. Bireli played a rather... interesting set. I'm sure you'll hear more about that in the days to come.
4. the best Jams were in Samoreau at camp Sebastien, Matthieu, and Adrien. No suprise there. These guys are playing on a phenomenal level. The unlimited creativity and chemistry they have is mind blowing. Many great players joined them throughout the week as well, including Robin Katz, Ritary, Matcho, Samy, David Reinhardt, Paulus, Andreas...
5. There was an open stage. Some great acts were seen there, including an amazing Stanley Jordan (two hand tap) style player, David Reinhardt, etc.
6. Other famous gypsy jazz players sighted around the island: the ferre brothers, moreno, robin nolan, john jorgenson, patrick sassois, angelo debarre.
7. This was probably the most well documented Samois ever (if not by Dennis alone). I saw a ton of digital cameras and even some folks with fully fledged boom microphones. I recorded a bunch of videos as well, and I'll be sure to post some when I get the chance.
anyway here's a video
Teddy G actually played on main stage twice...he played with me on the friday night It was only like he and Stochelo who were up there twice :!:
My best memory was the late thursday night jam I had with Bireli and Chris Campion at Chez Fernand. Playing with Moses was fun too, nice one Dennis!
Best Regards
Hey Andreas, who was the young guy who you played with at Chez Fernand Sunday afternoon who was playing wes-style on electric guitar? I wanted to post some videos of that, but I want to make sure he gets credit.
I'd love to see some videos from that session. The kid's name is Eddy Vaeldo a french gypsy who loves the style of Wes Montgomery. Hi did this little session with Stochelo and after a while Stochelo handed over his guitar to me..
Btw, did we meet during the festival? I'm not sure who you are :roll:
Best Regards