New guitar and video

Hello all, hoped you wouldn't mind me sharing my latest guitar with you. I wanted to build a guitar from reclaimed materials for the Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin this year (which was cancelled, unsurprisingly). Well, this is the end result!

It was made from an old mahogany tabletop, a kitchen worktop, an oak beam from a house and some cedar floorboards. The bracing is pretty unconventional since I had to work with what I had. For various reasons the top had to be 1.6mm thick (!) so I lattice braced it in addition to the usual ladder bracing. Seems to have worked out in the end (it hasn't collapsed!), and the sound is brighter than my usual guitars. The rhythm sound is very crisp and modern.

The fingerboard has some kandinksy-inspired inlays to continue a theme from some of my previous instruments. Let me know what you think!

RipBillDaCostaWilliamsbbwood_98JosebillyshakesrudolfochristvanmalmsteenLango-Djangojaredwimand 1 other.


  • Posts: 4,833

    Wow man, that sure belongs to something named Holy Grail. It's amazing in every way. Doesn't sound all that bright. At least not in the sense of approaching harsh. Sounds very pleasant, fairly warm sounding guitar.

    Your YouTube channels are a bit confusing. Why so many? But I subscribed to the one under this video, hopefully that'll be your main outlet.

    Is the zero fret larger? Looks wider but is it wider and taller?

    Is that your original tune? Beautiful melody.

    Every note wants to go somewhere-Kurt Rosenwinkel
  • Lango-DjangoLango-Django Niagara-On-The-Lake, ONModerator
    Posts: 1,858

    Gorgeous Kandinsky-inspired inlays and tailpiece! Wow!

    And the sound is very warm indeed.

    My congratulations for bringing some beauty into this old pandemic-and-Trump-exhausted world!


    Paul Cezanne: "I could paint for a thousand years without stopping and I would still feel as though I knew nothing."

    Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."

    Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
  • BonesBones Moderator
    Posts: 3,320

    Nice work! Interesting tone. Is that recorded straight into a mic with no effects?

  • billyshakesbillyshakes NoVA✭✭✭ Park Avance - Dupont Nomade - Dupont DM-50E
    Posts: 1,344


    Beautiful artistry here--both the craftsmanship and the playing. Agree with all above comments about the sound. Very warm and pleasing.

  • wimwim ChicagoModerator Barault #503 replica
    Posts: 1,459

    1.6mm is a very thin top! The guitar is a beauty so I hope the additional bracing is successful to prevent the top warping or moving around when the weather changes.

    Great playing, I could not pick the tune either Buco, maybe original? At first I thought it was a tune from Le cœur des vivants but then it changed a different direction.

  • jaredjared New
    Posts: 32

    Wonderful work. The sort of a reverse of the standard Sel/Macc color scheme on the top makes for a very bold yet balanced aesthetic that is quite pleasing to my eye. I love it. Great sound and playing too.

    Is that one of the Chinese-made tailpieces that one sees on ebay? If so, what is your opinion of it?

  • crookedpinkycrookedpinky Glasgow✭✭✭✭ Alex Bishop D Hole, Altamira M & JWC D hole
    Posts: 922

    When I bought my Alex Bishop it had one of the Chinese made tailpieces. Absolutely fine and no better or worse than any others costing multiple times the price. I've since bought loads of the tailpieces and the bridges from China.

    always learning
  • Posts: 38

    Incredible. A perfect example of tradition and modernity.

  • potzblitzpotzblitz New
    Posts: 8

    "Music: 'Insousciance' written and performed by Alex Bishop" it says on Youtube. Beautiful song!

  • potzblitzpotzblitz New
    Posts: 8

    One more reason to be sad that the Holy Grail didn't happen this year. Would have loved to try this guitar. Amazing work!

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