Has anoyone tried one of these red bear gypsy jazz picks. It lists it as being made from a 'chemically similar' material as tortis shell. Any thoughts? They are a but pricey!
http://cgi.ebay.com/Red-Bear-Trading-Ne ... dZViewItem
You can read my review here:
and more here:
as the edges are too sharp on a new one. But - bottom line, it's the best cheap pick out there. So, if you have 50 cents burning a hole in your pocket you will be pretty glad you discovered them. Oh, and the benefit is that as you're at festivals and jams and people say: "Hey, can I borrow a pick?" you can smile and say: "Sure - here" and not have to worry about remembering to get it back at the end of the night.
There is a guy on ebay who goes by the moniker "yardsailor" who sells them for a really low price. They're kind of hard to get - maybe Dunlop doesn't make them anymore but this guy seems to have an endless stash of them and you can buy them in lots of 24.
That's the one that Ritary uses (at least that's what he was using when I met him in Montreal.) Ritary plays with one of the 2 round (corner) edges and NOT the tip.
The reasons I say that are color and shape. I'm sort of a geek (shh... don't let anyone else know... I don't think they've noticed...) so at any rate, I stepped through the Birelli video on the Interactual player (on my PC) which allows you to freeze frames and enlarge areas. I froze some places where they were showing the pick and blew the pick up to near screen size. It was hard to tell until I got this shot where he was reloading from a rest-stroke and about the bottom 60% of the pick was showing nearly perfectly perpendicular to the camera and it was the exact shape and color of the Dunlop 1.14.
Being a pick nut - I also have the one your picture shows. It works well in the way you stated (round corners, not sharp one) but it also needs some work before it's playable because it comes with that sharp seam around it.
The other thing I do (I got that from Ritary also) is use the point of a knife to scratch the surface a bit to make it rougher and less slippery.
Thanks for the info on Bireli...I stand corrected AND I will try that 1.14 mm.
Also, by "Bireli in Austria video" do you mean the Live in Vienne DVD? That concert took place in Vienne France, not Vienna Austria.