If you can find them,Dr.Walter Starkie's books are wonderfulthough they do concentrate on a bygone era and Eastern Europe. Dr. Strarkie took his fiddle and traveled with the Gypsies throughout Hungary and Roumania before WWII. His books are well written and very entertaining. He was president of the Gypsy Folklore Society for many years.
If you can find them,Dr.Walter Starkie's books are wonderfulthough they do concentrate on a bygone era and Eastern Europe. Dr. Strarkie took his fiddle and traveled with the Gypsies throughout Hungary and Roumania before WWII. His books are well written and very entertaining. He was president of the Gypsy Folklore Society for many years.
Ian Hancock's We Are The Romani People - Ame sam e Rromane džene (University of Hertfortshire Press) is a fairly new (2002) lightweight introduction to the subject with a section about Romany history. It's easy to read, more of a layman's handbook than a heavyweight academic study, although Mr. Hancock holds a PhD, teaches Romani Studies in the U of Texas, Austin and is the Director of the Romani Archives and Documentation Center.
Micky DunneLiverpool UK✭✭✭✭Olivier Marin, JWC Modele Orchestre, AJL La Flasque
Posts: 156
On a similar note, has anyone ever done a Gypsy Guitar Family tree? Obviously Django is at the top with his contemparies, but something charting their descendants etc..Might be an interesting subject for someone with the time :roll:
On a similar note, has anyone ever done a Gypsy Guitar Family tree? Obviously Django is at the top with his contemparies, but something charting their descendants etc..Might be an interesting subject for someone with the time :roll:
Where can I find out about the history of the gypsies?
I've learned a bit from Michael Dregni's book but I really would like to know more.
You have to see the Tony Gatlif's film Latcho Drom. All the history of the gypsys is inside. They come from the north of india and the'll go until spain and europe. It is a very beautiful and poetic film. You don't need to speak french or over language to see this film there's no lyrics.
PS : There is Tchavolo and Dorado Schmitt who play in this movie. Dorado plays violon as well as he plays guitar in the movie.
Yes!!! This movie is fantastic! It definitely has some great gypsy guitar playing in it...but there is so much in addition to that which is worth experiencing. If you want to get a peek into the Gypsy mindset and their world view, check this one out. It might change the way you play more than praticing your DUD's. 4 STARS!!!
Djuric, Nebojsa Bato Tomasevic and Rajko
1988 Gypsies of the World. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Fraser, Angus
1992 The Gypsies. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Stewart, Michael
1997 The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder: Westview Press.
Also see: Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey
Just take a look here:
http://cgi.ebay.com/Raggle-Taggle-Walte ... dZViewItem
Ian Hancock's We Are The Romani People - Ame sam e Rromane džene (University of Hertfortshire Press) is a fairly new (2002) lightweight introduction to the subject with a section about Romany history. It's easy to read, more of a layman's handbook than a heavyweight academic study, although Mr. Hancock holds a PhD, teaches Romani Studies in the U of Texas, Austin and is the Director of the Romani Archives and Documentation Center.
You can find one of Hancock's earlier out-of-print books online in:
There's also a brief history and timeline in the same Patrin-site, nobody knows by whom, the site doesn't reveal originator nor sources in the pages. Unfortunately Patrin hasn't been maintained in years but at least it still exists:
Your first stop should be the Patrin Web Journal
The Frazer book is good, and Ian Hancock's "We are the Romani People" is good
http://www.amazon.com/are-Romani-People ... 466&sr=8-1
There's also a Wikipedia entry that's not too bad, but it's prone to vandalism from time to time.
Edit: LOL! Beaten to it.
Thanks a lot to all of you!
You have to see the Tony Gatlif's film Latcho Drom. All the history of the gypsys is inside. They come from the north of india and the'll go until spain and europe. It is a very beautiful and poetic film. You don't need to speak french or over language to see this film there's no lyrics.
PS : There is Tchavolo and Dorado Schmitt who play in this movie. Dorado plays violon as well as he plays guitar in the movie.