I'm thinking about selling this amp. I bought it less than a year ago and it's pretty much in the same shape as when I bought it. Includes everything that came with the original amp--shoulder bag, amp, ac cable, and original box.
It's a great amp, but I think where it excels is with peizo pickups like a bigtone or maybe with a magnetic pickup. I've been using it with an audio technica soundhole mic and it sounds pretty good, but it's just a little too bright for my taste. It's a great amp, though, and works just like it did the day I bought it. Where i think it has no equal is in the size and weight.
Send me an email with an offer if interested. I may also list it on eBay if I can't sell it for a good price here.
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:dean.harrington@comcast.net">dean.harrington@comcast.net</a><!-- e -->