I plucked the strings and this came out at 4AM last night in celebration for my friend's birthday, long past the hours of sanity and good guitar playing. Recorded dry on my iPod mic (you can even hear the ipod computer churning away, hehehe). In the spirit of long unreciprocated Christmas Gifts to my friend, sweet slumber on silent nights which keep eluding me, and in the spirit of Jesus at Easter, some people's saviour... I play my favourite carol of my own meagre arrangement, preceded by a shaky improvisation. So really, it's madness before an effort in tranquility. I think I will burn on the cross, my guitar tonight. hehe, sigh
warning: I don't know much gypsy picking or jazz yet, and I come from a flamenco background. Just playing some notes, just thought you might like to hear how one Cigano sounds in anybodies hands.
Merry Christmas!
As far as an mp3 converter, iTunes on my Mac does all the work for me.