Does anyone know of a player that you can use to slow down video for doing transcriptions (and still have the audio)? I can slow down mp3 audio on Media player and that works well but for transcribing off of video (like the youtube above or off of a dvd) I don't have anyway to slow it down. Media player will slow down (or step through) some types of video but the audio drops out.
I think I have the video slowdown thing going. I used the Zamzar link to download the youtube video to my computer but it didn't have wmv format as an output option so I used avi. On my windows media player I can slow down video if it is in wmv format so I downloaded windows media encoder which allows me to convert the avi to wmv and it works great! I can playback the video at as low as half speed with audio at the correct pitch. The only down side is I don't think that the encoder will go directly from a youtube url to wmv but I may be wrong.
Maybe you'll find some tips there...