Hi all
the Story of Selmer Guitars is back, 2nd edition available as a paperback from Dec 08.
Available from rf charle, Paris - 75 euro plus postage ( check for cost to US )
here's the djangostation announcement link
It's maybe a bit expensive but it is about the only book of its type out there.
http://www.djangostation.com/Re-edition ... es,1009.ht
kind regards
I'm glad Charle got smart on this... a paperback version still gives the people who bought the hardback their 'collectors' value but it also allows people who want this information to have it. I borrowed the book and photocopied pictures of a couple of the jigs - probably not the only person to do that. But I'd much rather have the book and $100 is... well... I've certainly spent more money on sillier things I guess.
It was only a matter of time before he republished or someone scanned it and put it out on usenet. I'm glad he wised up. I've been trying to buy this book for a small car payment for years now... had two sellers up to the table and both backed out because they decided they wanted to keep it. It's a darned good reference to have around when doing refurb work on traditional gypsy jazz instruments. Actually - I'm glad it's paperback. I'll probably drill a hole through the binding and hang it on a nail above my bench. Collectible value in what is essentially a reference book... sheesh ;-)
Best wishes