Hey guys. Don't know too much about Djangofest, but i'm trying to go to the one in SF in 2009, and there is still no information about it anywhere. Does anyone here know when they are going to release all of the details, tickets, and all that goodness?
I just uploaded a few vids from Djangofest Northwest 2008 (and more, including a full Rosenberg concert download) , but as I don't wanna get into a fight with Archtop Eddy, let me just paste a link here instead of posting a double thread
cheers !
Are these real hands-on affairs, where everybody brings their guitars, or more like a masters class, where selected players get up and play with the presenter, or is it straight lecture/demonstration?
We're going to Gonzalo's Gypsy Swing workshop, as it seems more entry level than Andreas' presentation at DjangofestLA in April. I don't want to look like an over-eager geek dragging around our guitars if that's not de rigueur for this event.
By all means bring your guitars so you can fully benefit from the lessons and also to be able to jam. I advice you to really work on your rhythm and some tunes, that way you can jam even if the level for soloing is too far ahead of your abilities.
Andreas Oberg is a great teacher and will probably adjust the material to the level of the majority which I don't think is gonna be that advanced, anyway it's worth the price of admission to be able to see him playing up close and hear him explain a little of what goes through his mind while playing.
Since the schedule of the workshops is not that crammed I'd take all the lessons, you'll learn something from each one i'm sure and it's a good way to hear and get to know the rest of the gypsy jazzers around.
Happy swinging!