What exactly is Joscho doing here?

kungfumonk007kungfumonk007 ✭✭✭✭
edited April 2011 in Technique Posts: 421

What is the technique here at 1:55 that he is using?


  • kungfumonk007kungfumonk007 ✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 421
    Also are there any plyometric or any other strength training exercises (or relaxation exercises) to help me get that last bit of speed up to Joscho's level?
  • matty42matty42 tyrone, pa✭✭✭
    Posts: 67
    I'm not sure what the technical term is, but I think it's called being f**king amazing! :D
  • ElliotElliot Madison, WisconsinNew
    Posts: 551
    I think it is a 32nd note tremelo.
  • redbluesredblues ✭✭
    Posts: 456
    Joscho is by no means my favourite GJ player, but he has the most explosive power in the right hand i've ever heard. 0-120 in a flash
  • kungfumonk007kungfumonk007 ✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 421
    Is he doing triplets? I think he is, and if so is he doing a straight tremelo or is he doing the down, up, down pattern? Whatever it's too fast for me.
  • ElliotElliot Madison, WisconsinNew
    Posts: 551
    No triplets here, in fact they are probably 16ths since the song is so fast.
  • slicker37slicker37 New
    Posts: 20
    Elliot wrote:
    No triplets here, in fact they are probably 16ths since the song is so fast.
    i agree with that.. super fast
  • kungfumonk007kungfumonk007 ✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 421
    Well 16th notes are faster than triplet 8th notes, and since he is moving at around 290 I think 16th notes are humanly impossible, and if he is doing that, I'm giving up music and becoming a tax accountant :?
  • slicker37slicker37 New
    Posts: 20
    Also are there any plyometric or any other strength training exercises (or relaxation exercises) to help me get that last bit of speed up to Joscho's level?
    no exercises could ever get you that quick,its loads of fast twitch muscle fibres,,either got them or you havnt,stochelo was rapid as a child,bireli also. think of it like this,,,,no amount of training could make you as quick has a champion 100 metre runner,you gotta be rapid to start with,then fine tune your skills and speed. something called extremely gifted
  • kungfumonk007kungfumonk007 ✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 421
    There are excercises that will target fast-twitch fibers - plyometrics, isometrics - but I don't know any specific ones for the muscles involved in the whole picked rasqueado thing. I'm still pretty sure those are 8th note triplets at around 290, which is smoking fast! That is the same as doing 16th notes at 218.
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