About flying and checking out guitars, of course it's possible. Now decision ist not only between Eimers and Dupont, but thanks to You have lot of other possibilities.
Now i got one more idea. When i thought about flying to Paris or England I've got idea of Samois Festival. On the site is a list of luthiers exhibition, so got a question:
How does it look like?
Are the luthiers there for the whole festival?
Can You simply play guitar, talk, ask questions or make a deal?
I would like to end this topic with happy accent.
The search of gypsy guitar ended in Germany, in the gypsyguitar.de place Kirchheim. Many guitars were played, lots of question were asked and... the first AJL came to Poland
Fantastic guitar, perfect quality wood, awesome sound, good crafted, however need some setup though.
Dupont or Eimers topic ended with AJL
Thanks for all Your help, we really appreciate it!!!
AJl is at the top of my list when I upgrade next. Before I upgrade, however, I must learn every song in Nolan's Gigbook. Incentive to keep practicing, and insurance that my gear doesn't get to much better than my skill level!
http://www.castelluccia.fr/home.php?pg= ... &id_prod=9
it sounds gorgeous.
or, for a few less,:
http://www.castelluccia.fr/home.php?pg= ... &id_prod=9
About flying and checking out guitars, of course it's possible. Now decision ist not only between Eimers and Dupont, but thanks to You have lot of other possibilities.
Now i got one more idea. When i thought about flying to Paris or England I've got idea of Samois Festival. On the site is a list of luthiers exhibition, so got a question:
How does it look like?
Are the luthiers there for the whole festival?
Can You simply play guitar, talk, ask questions or make a deal?
I would like to end this topic with happy accent.
The search of gypsy guitar ended in Germany, in the gypsyguitar.de place Kirchheim. Many guitars were played, lots of question were asked and... the first AJL came to Poland
Fantastic guitar, perfect quality wood, awesome sound, good crafted, however need some setup though.
Dupont or Eimers topic ended with AJL
Thanks for all Your help, we really appreciate it!!!
Thanks for the update. 8)