Help with buzzing

BluesBop HarryBluesBop Harry Mexico city, MexicoVirtuoso
Yes, another buzz post...
I'm having a slight buzz prominent on attack on the first 4 frets and from the 9-10th to the 13-14th.
It's way more noticeable on the first two strings (E and B).
I admit I have rather low action and practically no relief. I'm using Argentines 11s and the guitar is a Dupont MDC 60 14 fretter D-hole.
Can anyone help???


  • aa New York City✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 800
    have you tried to lower the bridge and adjust the truss for larger action?
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  • BluesBop HarryBluesBop Harry Mexico city, MexicoVirtuoso
    Posts: 1,379
    The bridge is pretty low now... I might add some neck relief but I'm not sure if that'll help.
    There seems to be a sitar like sound coming from the bridge when I hit the high strings hard, but buzzes are weird and sometimes it's difficult to accurately pinpoint where they're coming from...
    The string notches aren't too deep.. maybe that's the problem...
  • BluesBop HarryBluesBop Harry Mexico city, MexicoVirtuoso
    Posts: 1,379
    Josh?? Bob Holo?? Help??
  • nicksansonenicksansone Amsterdam, The Netherlands✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 274
    Not that it helps, but I feel your pain. It seems that some buzzes aren't coming from fret contact or nut/bridge issues, which is always an interesting predicament. Some days, depending on the weather, I'll get a buzz that will disappear later that week. Either way, it's something to keep us busy and obsessing about...
  • BluesBop HarryBluesBop Harry Mexico city, MexicoVirtuoso
    Posts: 1,379
    The problem is that the playability on that guitar is perfect right now and I don't want to mess with it before having a clear path to solving the buzz, though I'm guessing a trussrod adjustment is gonna be needed... oh well... I'll wait a couple days to see if the experts have some advice.
  • JackJack western Massachusetts✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,752
    You might also check to make sure you don't have a loose brace vibrating against the top...that sometimes gives a "sitar" sound...
  • StringswingerStringswinger Santa Cruz and San Francisco, CA✭✭✭✭ 1993 Dupont MD-20, Shelley Park Encore
    Posts: 465

    Make sure your frets are level (check with a good straightedge). My experience is that a light fret leveling will usually solve buzzing problems. (make sure that the frets are properly crowned after leveling or you will have traded your buzzing problem for an intonation problem).

    A loose truss rod can also cause buzzing (This usually involves injecting something into the truss rod channel). Hopefully this is not the problem.

    I'd bet that your problem lies with the frets.

    Good luck!

    "When the chord changes, you should change" Joe Pass
  • BohemianBohemian State of Jefferson✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 303
    Lowering the bridge? that would no doubt increase the buzzing.. would not recommend ( that is changing the "action' )

    Lowering bridge then adjusting truss rod to increase the action, do mean increase the relief?

    I think it is time for Josh to jump in and clarify relief and action or go to and check for yourself

    Have you tried a simple string change ?
  • FopaFopa San FranciscoNew
    Posts: 125
    I had that sitar buzzing sound with my new Park. Annoying, isn't it. I took it in to a local repair shop, Schoenberg's in Tiberon CA. They told me the sound was from the bridge. He did some filing of the notches and altered the angle a bit,....and more noise
  • djangologydjangology Portland, OregonModerator
    Posts: 1,018
    My guitar is buzzing lately but its a simple problem. I just need to take it in for a fret dressing. I've worn down the frets pretty good.
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