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Just wanted to get a yes/no on a couple of live is an Angelo Debarre concert in Troyes, '02; the other is the Gables Hotel recording with Fapy, Tchavolo, and Reiner among others (7/10/03). The second one was sent to me by a kind soul on the forum (you know who you are!), but I believe it was originally another nugget of Archtop Eddy's generosity. Let me know what you think...
I would like to know how this works if I am using MacOSX.
it IS great that so much rare stuff is available BUT there are consequences.
Take the Tchan Tchou for instance
Why should that great label IRIS make the effort and trouble to rerelease "Guitar partie" now that its on the net for free??
The result will likely be that it won't sell many copies and will put them off rereleasing any other rare stuff legally.The same is true of the projected Fremeaux release about the Ferret's.
Just think of the time and effort it takes to rerelease these 'gems' properly remastered and with great artwork.
At Samois last year there was a guy selling the complete Django integrale as mp3s on a dvd disc-all 800 odd sides for a pittance.Thats plain wrong i think we'd all agree.
I too am not bothered about having the 'original' vinyl copies of rare stuff.The point i was making is that if things are too easy to acquire it kind of spoils it for yourself.It probably took me about 15 years to acquire some of the recordings now available for free on the 'sugar' website;because of that i think i had the time to digest the material properly and learnt more because of that.
Don't get me wrong;i downloaded all that stuff like the next man--
I just think its sometimes nice to put abit of effort into finding(and learning) things.
Hi Jack,
if you try to order them there will be no response. That is why I wrote that I am not sure if this CDs are still available.
Btw: Is this upload matter dead now?
Stu's comments about the Tchan Tchou recordings are interesting; I've been thinking about those the last few days...I'm not sure I agree that IRS would put the kibosh on a Guitare Partie rerelease because of something like this. I at least would buy the new release even though I have the recordings-precisely for the remastering and artwork he mentions in his post. But should the recordings now on the site be taken down if it were rereleased? I'd vote yes.
Also interesting is that nothing has been uploaded in over a week, which I take as an indication that people are trying to be cautious of what they upload (e.g., I haven't put up that Fapy/Tchavalo disc yet).
So . . I got what I didn't have (like, I suspect everyone else). I hope I didn;t offend anyone by putting up the audio from my camera last two years at samois . . . I have the vids in reserve (though I suspect most of you have a copy anyway . . ). I thought I'd ask about a few live recordings that I have . . . django reinhardt festival in NY, and Bireli live in NY . . .
Let me know if you wann-em.
In closing please, Please PLEASE label your tunes for the people who don't know the name and melody of every song, or have drank to much to remember the names . . .
Ps. sock- put it up, please! (unless I can buy it . . )
I believe the Birdland festival has its own discs available for sale, if that's the fest you're talking about. I don't know about the Bireli shows, though I'd love to hear them!
Good point! I guess they do, though i would fire the sound man from last year- he was really bad . . .
anyhow, perhaps just the birelli . . . but only if someone else puts up some more as well.
Could you take a look at what you uploaded for the Bireli concert (I'm assuming the Iridium show is from you)? It looks like the upload was interrupted-some tunes end very abrubtly, or are obviously too short. If you can send it again I'd be thankful.
How people can exalt himeself looking at this? Listen to the screams from the people! I can't believe this...