Hi gypsy jazz lovers, I was wondering what teacher or channel you would recommend in order to learn gypsy jazz?
Please share your learning experience with names and links so others can check the videos too. You can also indicate any videos or teacher, and explain what you like about the materials they teach, or the way they teach, and how this help you making progress.
Thank you so much
Christiaan van Hemerts videos on Youtube - free
Numerous playalong videos with chord charts on Youtube - free
DC Music School - some free lessons, lots of paid
Rosenberg Academy - paid
And just about any book or dvd set from this site.
If you're new to it, go find videos about la pompe that make sense to you, sit down with a metronome, and do it until it sounds right. Learn some basic songs like Minor Swing, Coquette, All of Me, etc. Then start working on learning the head to a lot of the songs. From there, depending on your level, learn some solos note for note (Soundslice is a good resource), and work on arpeggios and scales. Good luck
You may also try Sven Jungbeck's Youtube channels.
And this: https://www.guitare-improvisation.com/
I myself also found Frank Vignola's lessons helpful. Some applied to gypsy jazz: http://frankvignola.com/lessons/
Also Tim Robinson: http://timrobinsonguitar.com/lessons/lessonshome.html
I don't know whose is "best" but I benefit from all these links.
Do you plan to come up with your own videos and you are surveying to know what people prefer?
Yes, I am considering the production of tutorial videos in the style.
It's important for me at this point to understand what has been the experience of musicians who tried to improve their skill using the materials that are currently out there. If this has been a positive experience, or if It has been a painful experience, that didn't really help them to improve as much as what they expected to improve, for the money and the time they spent.
This would obviously have a direct impact on either way, the choice of the materials I would decide to feature in my first online class, or on the way I would decide to talk about this materials.
In any case, I consider that some very important things are being told among all the videos out there.
I still think that some very important things are still not being told.
Maybe I'll just start there. Thank you for asking.
What can you tell us about you and your musical journey? How do you practice and improve your skill in your daily routine?
And yeah, just like Pier, I was perplexed with your question.
I'm happy so far with the feedbacks I have received so far in this conversation.
Thanks again.
My main focus will definitely be on the jazz part of gypsy - jazz, and give to the aspiring soloists the fundamentals that will allow them to develop their unique style, and sound like who they are.