Thank you all for being so generous and sharing your thoughts here.
I read a lot of excellent thoughts here this morning.
I find It very helpful to get a sense of what people think, and how they feel about learning music in 2018. Which is pretty much what this post is all about.
Thanks Chris for sharing your insight, you seem to be very knowledgable on Django's topic and I could learn a lot from you, if I wasn't playing guitar most of my time
Thanks Denis for sharing these informations and links, and thank you for your hard work and all the excellent materials that you make available online.
Thank you Billy for your notes and your email this morning. I really appreciate it, and it helps a lot to understand what's happening for a lot people in their learning experience.
Buco, Paper pal, you are so very welcome to be a part of this conversation. As a reminder the actual topic is not if I can play the guitar or if I can't.
"The best tutorial videos to learn gypsy jazz?".
Tell us what you work on and why / how it helps you to become a better musician.
I believe that anyone can gain from anyone else's answer on such a topic.
I need to clarify one thing to Buco and paper pal:
My ability to play the guitar shouldn't be a problem for me to ask any question to anyone, and shouldn't force me to justify myself about the reasons why I am interested in the subject.
This whole business consideration is totally out of topic.
It's actually inappropriate and distracting.
Buco you said:
"When I saw your post I was thinking to myself "this guy shreds Donna Lee at 270bpm (I had to double check that but I remember it being insanely fast), why is asking this?".
You know what? If I can do this it's because like a kid, I've always wondered about everything and I've always been ok to show my ignorance to other musicians, sharing my struggle, asking them how they do to perform this or that, how they work on this or on that.
There is no such thing as reaching the highest level. Learning is a lifetime process, for the best of us. Like anyone else, beginner, middle class player, advanced... I can learn from anyone, regardless the level.
As a music instructor, it is mandatory for me to understand other people's learning process, or other people's struggle, in order to be able to help.
This is the reason why I asked. I want to understand.
Be curious. Ask questions. Wonder. Get out of your mind. I am giving you this tip for free. You should take it as it can go a very long way.
It might help you way more than learning any hip guitar lick, or spending weeks reading an entire guitar tab of a study that you are actually not ready to work on. Peace.
More than one person here thought we read something but you're saying it isn't so.
Ok cool, sometimes people lose sight of things collectively, it could be this was the case.
I'll tell you the reason for this. It is simply that those musicians haven't put in the time and effort to get there........
.... I could purchase every lesson from every teacher and still not improve from them. There never will be a magic pill or lesson that will get me there without me really working to understand it. It is simply time and dedication to really internalize the music and how it speaks to me. In that case, the closest business plan I've seen to help that is @dennis Chang's home stay. Or those that visit and live with the various European players.
That about sums it up. I suspect most of the so called 'lessons' on video or online are sold anyway to wannabees looking for short cuts, and of course they are the ones who are never going to get it anyway, so.....
And Buco
I get your point, but in fact that case is the total opposite, nobody knows their way around the old Nurburgring like Sabine Schmitt (and no, she is not related to Tchavolo), all the rest are just trying to catch up, but thanks for reminding me of that old 'can a van do it in under ten minutes' stunt.
I think it would be great to see an ear training course tailored for GJ, particularly melodic dictation. I get that transcribing performances is good ear training, but it doesn't have to be the only way. The core melodic and harmonic vocabulary of GJ is relatively straightforward, relatively to some other modern jazz styles, where you already need to start from an advanced ear training level. For GJ I think it would be possible to take someone who can't play jazz toward playing ear-controlled improvisations on a much shorter path. One could use something like EarMaster Teacher Edition to develop custom modules for it.
Hi guys, I've been away but following up in this conversation now.
Thank you for the new ideas that were shared here. I also appreciate some of you contacting me directly in message to request lessons onto specific topic. That's inspiring, and if I can find the time in my life to produce any tutorial videos to cover these topics, I hope this will benefit a lot of people out there, and help you in your musical journey.
Buco, I still don't get what you are trying to demonstrate. You sound like you're still trying to play the head of the first song, while the rest of the band is already done playing the first set.
Feel free to message me personally, so everybody else can keep focus on what really matters. Thank you very much.
I read a lot of excellent thoughts here this morning.
I find It very helpful to get a sense of what people think, and how they feel about learning music in 2018. Which is pretty much what this post is all about.
Thanks Chris for sharing your insight, you seem to be very knowledgable on Django's topic and I could learn a lot from you, if I wasn't playing guitar most of my time
Thanks Denis for sharing these informations and links, and thank you for your hard work and all the excellent materials that you make available online.
Thank you Billy for your notes and your email this morning. I really appreciate it, and it helps a lot to understand what's happening for a lot people in their learning experience.
Buco, Paper pal, you are so very welcome to be a part of this conversation. As a reminder the actual topic is not if I can play the guitar or if I can't.
"The best tutorial videos to learn gypsy jazz?".
Tell us what you work on and why / how it helps you to become a better musician.
I believe that anyone can gain from anyone else's answer on such a topic.
I need to clarify one thing to Buco and paper pal:
My ability to play the guitar shouldn't be a problem for me to ask any question to anyone, and shouldn't force me to justify myself about the reasons why I am interested in the subject.
This whole business consideration is totally out of topic.
It's actually inappropriate and distracting.
Buco you said:
"When I saw your post I was thinking to myself "this guy shreds Donna Lee at 270bpm (I had to double check that but I remember it being insanely fast), why is asking this?".
You know what? If I can do this it's because like a kid, I've always wondered about everything and I've always been ok to show my ignorance to other musicians, sharing my struggle, asking them how they do to perform this or that, how they work on this or on that.
There is no such thing as reaching the highest level. Learning is a lifetime process, for the best of us. Like anyone else, beginner, middle class player, advanced... I can learn from anyone, regardless the level.
As a music instructor, it is mandatory for me to understand other people's learning process, or other people's struggle, in order to be able to help.
This is the reason why I asked. I want to understand.
Be curious. Ask questions. Wonder. Get out of your mind. I am giving you this tip for free. You should take it as it can go a very long way.
It might help you way more than learning any hip guitar lick, or spending weeks reading an entire guitar tab of a study that you are actually not ready to work on. Peace.
Ok cool, sometimes people lose sight of things collectively, it could be this was the case.
There you go, that's exactly what happened: I wondered, then I got curious, then I asked a question. I'm working on the last one.
Peace to you too.
And Buco
I get your point, but in fact that case is the total opposite, nobody knows their way around the old Nurburgring like Sabine Schmitt (and no, she is not related to Tchavolo), all the rest are just trying to catch up, but thanks for reminding me of that old 'can a van do it in under ten minutes' stunt.
Thank you for the new ideas that were shared here. I also appreciate some of you contacting me directly in message to request lessons onto specific topic. That's inspiring, and if I can find the time in my life to produce any tutorial videos to cover these topics, I hope this will benefit a lot of people out there, and help you in your musical journey.
Buco, I still don't get what you are trying to demonstrate. You sound like you're still trying to play the head of the first song, while the rest of the band is already done playing the first set.
Feel free to message me personally, so everybody else can keep focus on what really matters. Thank you very much.