Anybody got any great suggestions for a truly comfortable chair to practise guitar on?
Paul Cezanne: "I could paint for a thousand years without stopping and I would still feel as though I knew nothing."
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
Roc-n-Soc seats. They're used as drum thrones and by engineers for sitting for very long periods of time.
Purple seat cushions were game changing for me. Got one for my work chair and practice space. Truckers use them for the long haul...,104228070442,kwd-296633452939&kw=purple%20seat%20cushion&cpn=9777375018&utm_medium=sr&utm_source=go&utm_content=gco&utm_campaign=Brand_Purple_Cushion_Exact&utm_term=br&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn5TJrYDf6wIVYB6tBh1qaApLEAAYASAAEgIq__D_BwE
Anything with a bit more support for an old fella’s back?
... asking for a friend...
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
I guess anything without arm rest is good, I also think if you are a gigging musician you don’t get to choose your chair, you just adapt to what you find and play.
I second the drum throne, you can find them with backs and they are super comfy.
I'm interested to see the support for drum thrones. Those look comfy, but I too prefer a chair with a back. I second @Jose 's comment about not getting to choose a chair "on the job." I'll bet those purple cushions would make it easier to sit on a rickety wood chair for a few hours. Following this thread with interest.
Or, a camping stool would work. It would be a more portable and less expensive option. It might fit a certain vibe that this genre tends to embody :)
I broke my back in 2000 and have had to address this sitting issue for sure. First thing I did was buy a small adjustable foot stool that brought the guitar up a little higher and allows me to keep my back straight. Still trying different office type chairs, folding chairs, just about everything so I am curious to hear what you guys say. To be perfectly honest, now I mostly play my archtop with a strap which allows me to sit for hours with my back perfectly straight and seriously minimizing discomfort.
Good thing about the purple cushions is you could throw them down anywhere...a park bench, stool, etc. They have some pretty low profile ones for bringing to baseball games and what not. I opted for the thickest one because I work on my computer a lot during the day and then sit and play music in the evenings. Just pick it up and plop it down on whatever chair, and you're good to go. They also have a lumbar back cushion that'll strap to any chair back.
Alternative is the Airhawk: . These were originally designed for people in wheel chairs, but a lot of people use them for motorcycles. I got one and did a 5,000 mile motorcycle tour, and this thing saved my back. 400ish miles a day no problem.