Lost Django Footage

DjangoBooksDjangoBooks Seattle✭✭✭ All of them!
in History Posts: 448
This discussion was created from comments split from: Advice to your beginner self.


  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360

    Record the, still never seen before, Django footage that Stephane wrembel presented to the audience at the first Django a gogo festival in 2004.

  • stuologystuology New
    Posts: 196

    This is the first I’ve heard of this - what was the footage of?

  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360

    High quality, technicolor, j'attendrai, big band, django plays a semi hollow, it's fucking mind blowing. Stephane told me that the gypsy's have lots of django footage that they are very protective of. He said he had more, and I was actually surprised he even showed it. I was standing next to alfonso ponticelli, who was also surprised. I've heard from others that there is django footage that is sold privately, but I believe one day it will all come out. I believe ben woods can also vouche for me, he was there, we actually jammed together as one of the acts. Anyway, I hope these owners of the footage have or have had the sense to convert it to digital. #freethefootage

  • Teddy DupontTeddy Dupont Deity
    Posts: 1,272

    I think these are now all well known and available on YouTube. Not sure what the technicolour one is all about. There have been numerous claims over the years about gypsies having unseen Django film footage but I am not totally convinced. Every time I and others like Marc Masselin have followed up on apparently good leads, they have come to nothing. Haven't stopped looking though.

  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360

    I've seen all the videos on youtube 100's of times. This one is not on the internet. This is why I would have told my younger self to record it. #freethefootage #stophoardingdjangofootage #atthispiontreally?justreleaseitalready

  • stuologystuology New
    Posts: 196

    Can you remember any more details about the footage?

  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360

    Django was looking lean and really good, it was on a stage with some kind of illuminated screen in the back, horn players, he was playing j'attendrai on either a semi hollow or hollow, but it was electric. It looked like it was made for tv, because the production level was very high and I seem to remember that there were multiple camera angles. If I had been told that there was other footage out there, but had not seen this, then I might not have believed it, but because I did and was told there there is more footage, for that reason believe there is more out there.

  • stuologystuology New
    Posts: 196

    If it was colour it wouldn’t have been made for television, Django died long before colour made it to Europe. Very curious! I wish I’d seen it too.

  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360
  • RipRip New
    Posts: 360

    Color had been added. Anyway, if it never gets released, I guess that's fine.

    This is the last time that I will bring up the footage issue.

    I you are reading this and you have unreleased django footage, but do not wish to release it, for what ever reason, then I respect your free will.

    Maybe at one time, I to may have even kept it secret, had someone given it to me in confidence, or if I had purchased it as a collector, then I would not want to release it, because the money I spent to acquire it would be wasted. Or maybe I consider myself to be a gypsy who does not want to share the footage the same way certain cultures and religions do not wish to share certain things that they consider to be sacred. Who really owns what? Is Ed Sheerand allowed to write a song that sounds like Marvin Gayes. Perspectives will vary.

    And finally, think of how the world might benefit from being able to experience the footage. Is bringing joy to 1,000's, if not more, not greater? We all have a choice.


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