Hey everyone, I searched through the 17 pages of search results under "transcription" and didn't see this anywhere so I figured i'd post it. I apologize if the question has already been asked.
I was wondering if anyone had their hands on a transcription of Tchavolo's J'attendrai? Here's the song in full on youtube:
Frank Zappa
http://www.ozmanouche.com/_dbase_upl/Ja ... havolo.ptb
on this site:
Frank Zappa
For the guy who asked about ptb files, you can use PowerTab. If you have Guitar Pro you can import them.
EDIT: I just took a look at it. It's riddled with errors, don't bother. The fingering for the open string classic D minor lick is wrong, the notes aren't right either. There are duplications of notes where there should not be and there is an instance where the tabber has put D major arpeggio over D minor.
Your best bet is to watch the video and learn.
Unless you know who the person transposing is, and their ability or care level.....learning from others stuff can take you down some very rocky roads indeed. There aren't many people in this genre who are really good at transcriptions. While I can't personally vouch for all those known here or to this site, I would think they could all be relied upon.
Even in some of the published, print stuff there is are the odd error that someone didn't pick up. These usually are easy to spot and reconfigure while playing (i know, I make them all the time transposing)
I have found a number of lead sheets and transcriptions to have significantly different takes on melody chords even harmonic structure. That could lead a noob down a road that could take a while to get back from.
Perhaps we should create a list of good transcribers?