I have been going gaga for the Gonzalo rhythm sound of late. The problem is my bass (1 and 3) is never quite as bassy and my hat (2 and 4) never quite as hatty - it is as trebly but his seems so even and smooth. Part of it I think is my guitar is on the newer side and some of those lower tones seem to develop over time on a well built guitar. Any technique suggestions. I notice he really plays from a straight arm high on the sound hole and that has helped but any other suggestions would be great.
Still practicing slowly put it all together and work on it slowly until you can play it slowly with no thought to what you are playing....when you can play the changes to a song with the rhythm sounding as you want, while you are talking to your wife, lover, partner, pet dog or ?? about the weather....you will have mastered it. At that point it will be time to start speeding things up.
I would bet GB would have his sound on any selmac copy or variant.
He uses more forearm on slower tempos but at faster tempos mostly wrist movement (no time to move the whole arm up and down) but still gets the same power and feel.
It's probably not your guitar as long as it is a reasonable instrument with good setup and proper strings. He tried mine first thing just to make sure that it wasn't the issue and he still sounded amazing. He is a great rhythm (and lead obviously) player.
1 and 3 try to emphasize only the bass strings and damp with the left hand quickly.
2 and 4 I'm still working on and I get it sometimes but not always so I don't know how to describe it yet but he plays thru all the strings but it's not a snappy motion. More powerful than that. If you snap it too much it messes up the tone. It's more of a kind of heavy digging into the strings motion (at least that's as best as I can describe it right now).
I'll repost in a week or so after my next lesson if I can figure it out any better.
Yes, I too have years of improper technique that I need to break which is why I am taking the lessons and why my 2 and 4 keeps drifting back into the old, learned bad habits if I don't really concentrate. Hopefully, soon the proper technique will become automatic.
The Goal (47 seconds in):
The reality:
I've coaxed a lot more bass our but still the 2 and 4's seem inconsistent with too many extraneous noises (harmonics and such). Can't quite get the clean sound Gonzalo gets on those.
First, I'd say it sounds great and swings.
As far as trying to get closer to Gonzalo's tone, I'd say pick one chord that is really easy to play like Am6 on the 5th fret. Just stay on that one chord until you get the right hand working correctly, the left hand damping correctly, and the tone that you want.
For the 1 and 3 I'd also say maybe omit the upstroke until you get the tone on the down stroke correct, then add the upstroke later but keep it very short and light. Also, the 1 and 3 are maybe a little too long in duration of the tone, maybe try to damp a little sooner with the left hand and concentrate on only the bass strings with the right hand. So as soon as you strum with the right hand immediately damp with the left. If you listen to Gonz, there is a very distinct break between each beat (if that makes sense).
For all beats try for more "weight" (as Gonzalo says) with the right hand. You can feel his rhythm very percussively. Maybe try digging into the strings a bit more (but not snapping your wrist). Use the weight of your right hand.
Lastly, play along with one of his recordings. I like to use the first cut from the New Hot Club of America album (Swing Guitars) because it isn't too fast, and try to sound like you fit in with the band.
Good luck and I'm probably full of it (since I'm still trying to get there as well) so please do the Skype lessons and again you sound great.
You might try this as an exercise....just play beats 1 and 3 no upstroke as they happen.... Focus on being able to move z2 and 4 from really dry for say 8 bars then incrementally getting wetter and wetter until your release is just before beats 1 and 3 and then move it back slowly 8 bars at a time til you have it really dry again.
The goal is to be able to play two and four ...and then one and three as dry or as wet as the song needs...and the ability to change the feel and the dynamics plus move the chords around as needed.
Listen carefully and the song will lead the way.