As a matter of fact... There might be a possibility to meet me for a workshop live on your continent. Anyway I can't say too much about it, things are very unsure at the moment. I know that you are on my mailing list, you can expect a mail about this later this week or next week.
I don't want to offend anyone but...If you watch closely and at half speed the video where Stochelo supposedly plays "normal" strokes you can see he's clearly touching the next string after the downstroke aka reststrokes... He doesn't stay on the resting string for very long, of course, but he does touch it and lets it stop his pick and that still counts as a reststroke
I suspected it before and now can say for sure... Stochelo does strict Gypsy picking, in fact I would say he's the best example... And BTW I've been into the RosenbergAcademy, great resource, nothing new in terms of technique.
Well, for me i am just gonna forget about the fine points, If I canplay it and it sounds right then I ain't gonna worry about pickin' no more :shock:
Plus I am going to take him at his word ... Te first two lessons are rest stroke on the way up and normal,on the way down His words his method, I will go with that....
The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
Yes, I remember that recording session. That's when I discovered that Stochelo is a bad demonstrator. For example he also rotates his hand position in that example which he would never do in a performance. We should really re shoot the technique section but it's very hard getting Stochelo to demonstrate something slowly. If you watch the normal performances it's very clear how he does his picking exactly. If he plays slowly or even medium tempo Stochelo plays rest strokes, period. So asking him to demonstrate playing free strokes like he uses in fast arpeggios but in a slow tempo, is impossible for him.
Back then it was also more difficult for me to "correct" Stochelo (only when slowing things down of course), I was too scared to do that. So I figured I'd just make sure the TABs and texts would give the right information. These days we're in the studio discussing things more on equal footing (which means I'm nowhere near Stochelo's level but he accepts my instructions/corrections when necessary).
I've spent hundreds of hours watching Stochelo's right hand close up and on big screens in quarter speed, I know what I'm talking about.
Playing dim arpeggios with only downstrokes is quite impossible if you insist on using only rest strokes. That's why most players choose to use an upstroke instead of playing two down strokes on one string in an arpeggio. If you let go of the idea of rest strokes and just use a free stroke on the first down stroke you'll make guitar life so much simpler
I personally would not try to have Stochelo teach something slowly. He changes the way he plays at slower speeds. I saw it all the time in Denis Chang's Stochelo videos. You'd probably get more mileage doing technical demonstrations yourself Hermert on finer points you want to get across. so people could cross reference stuff. You could be a Stochelo stunt double!
Ok so I'm a bit confused now. I guess I'll have to start the lead part of the academy. I was going to stick with the rhythm only for now but I want to be sure that the lead stuff that I'm doing is correct.
Hemert, so the best place to start to get the right hand technique correctly is “Gypsy Jazz – Guitar Technique” lesson?
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
That should only take another 5 years or so....
I suspected it before and now can say for sure... Stochelo does strict Gypsy picking, in fact I would say he's the best example... And BTW I've been into the RosenbergAcademy, great resource, nothing new in terms of technique.
If you don't believe me watch again...
Plus I am going to take him at his word ... Te first two lessons are rest stroke on the way up and normal,on the way down His words his method, I will go with that....
Back then it was also more difficult for me to "correct" Stochelo (only when slowing things down of course), I was too scared to do that. So I figured I'd just make sure the TABs and texts would give the right information. These days we're in the studio discussing things more on equal footing (which means I'm nowhere near Stochelo's level but he accepts my instructions/corrections when necessary).
I've spent hundreds of hours watching Stochelo's right hand close up and on big screens in quarter speed, I know what I'm talking about.
Playing dim arpeggios with only downstrokes is quite impossible if you insist on using only rest strokes. That's why most players choose to use an upstroke instead of playing two down strokes on one string in an arpeggio. If you let go of the idea of rest strokes and just use a free stroke on the first down stroke you'll make guitar life so much simpler
I have never had a teacher who was great at teaching and demonstrating who was a great player. Different skill sets.
Hemert, so the best place to start to get the right hand technique correctly is “Gypsy Jazz – Guitar Technique” lesson?